Don't leave me!

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Hey guys. Hope you are all having an amazing week so far. Mine has had some highs and lows, but the comments from all of you have kept me going through the lows. I also had a mum that refused to talk to me at first, because of what happened to Leo, lol, sorry mum. Anyway, here is the next chapter, hope you all enjoy it.

Kayden's POV

I tried to open my eyes, but my head was throbbing and my eyelids felt like they were glued shut. So I lay there for a few minutes, trying to remember what happened and where the hell I was.

As I lay there, I could hear sounds all around me, a muted conversation and footsteps outside the room that I am in, then all the memories came flooding back. Leo!!!

I shot up straight in my bed and anxiously looked around me. Dean and Maxie were sitting on a small couch by the window, but Leo was nowhere in sight. I frantically tried to get off the bed, but Dean shot up from the couch and hurried to my side. "Woah there sweetheart, take it easy. You've been out for quite a while." he said, trying to get me to lie back down again.

My body was shaking and I was seconds away from having a panic attack. I needed to get to Leo. I needed to make sure he was okay. "No, I want to see Leo. I need to see him!" I shouted, not caring that I was talking to a Dom right now. I needed my fucking boyfriend and there was no way I was letting anyone stand in my way.

Maxie came to stand on the other side of me as well. "We will take you to see Leo, Kaydz, but we need to get the doctor to come check you out first. You fainted and you've been out for almost three hours now. The doctor said it was shock and anxiety that caused it, but he wants to make sure you are okay before releasing you. So just calm down sweety. I promise, you will see him soon, I'll make sure of it, Okay?" Maxie pleaded with me, and I slowed my breathing to try to calm down. I knew what they were saying was right and I wouldn't be of any help to Leo if I was being stubborn about this.

So I lay back on the bed and pushed the button to call a nurse, before either Dean or Maxie could get anywhere near it. I wanted this over and done with as soon as humanly possible. "How is Leo doing? The truth please." I asked Dean, not sure what I wanted to hear at that point. But it definitely wasn't the answer he gave me.

"There's been no improvement yet. The doctor that operated on him is worried about the amount of blood he lost. They were able to repair the damage done to his lung by the bullet, but he had lost a lot of blood by the time he got to the hospital. But we all remain hopeful. Leo is strong, little one, and he will pull through this."He said, while running his fingers through my hair. It didn't feel as nice as when Leo did it, but it did comfort me a bit.

I just nodded, keeping the tears that threatened to fall, at bay for now. I didn't have time to be weak right now. Leo needed me to be strong, he needed me to be a good boy right now. So that is exactly what I was going to be. 

I looked up at Maxie and my heart broke. My friend looked a mess, with his curly hair all over the place and his face, red and swollen from crying too much. I held out my hand and he grabbed it, squeezing it in a tight grip, before I scooted over, making space for him. He immediately climbed on the bed next to me and cuddled into me, holding me around my waist, and I was quite surprised to not feel the usual revulsion at another person touching me like this. . 

I looked up at Dean, not wanting him to be jealous or upset with me, but he was just smiling down at us, gently, his love for Maxie shining through. I wanted to cry when I saw that look. It reminded me so much of the way Leo looked at me and now I didn't know if he ever would again, But once again, I kept the tears in, I won't give in now.

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