But that was actually happening.

They were on a nightmare, together.

Unfortunately, it wasn't a daydream.

Thus, reality crashed into their life and realized that his home had lost its warmth and safety.

Even though normally a home was a place where you would think that nothing bad could ever happen.

Or shouldn't ever occur.

Kim Seokjin would never have imagined anything harmful coming to pass inside of the fortress that was his home. Aside from hurting a finger while cutting some onions or
kicking a chair and injuring a toe.

Because all the scary things just happened in nightmares or lost in the wildness cottages. Most of the time, it all happened to other people who lived far away and didn't have anything to do with him.

Awful things were not supposed to happen in real life.

But most of the times, they did.

The feeling of the shivers traveling through his spine until it reached his toes were real.

The fear and uncertainty in the air were palpable.

So was the shudder of Namjoon's breath once he heard the crashing.

The nightmare of some stranger being inside of his sacred place actually was taking place in real life.

Not on someone else's existence.


Like the numerous other situations that kept transpiring lately.

It was an injustice.

That everything kept occurring in his life.

But, at least, Kim Seokjin wasn't alone.

He was with Namjoon... Who had been hoping for it to be a hidden camera or something?

Yet, they wouldn't be as fortunate.

As these little things that betrayed the existence of whoever intruded on his home were still there.

The blinds were still open.

The ramen was still on the sink.

He remembered that he closed them before getting out of his apartment, as always, before departing for long periods of time.

It was a truth.

It occurred.

He did it.

The blinds being open actually meant that someone infiltrated inside of his apartment.

That someone was still inside.

Another thing to consider was that It would be scary if not because his upper-mega-super password wasn't widely known.

So it was pretty much a fact that it was somebody he knew.

Or so he hoped.

It could also be someone dangerous who managed to steal said hidden numbers and arranged to open his door.

The door lock didn't look broken, so no one had forcefully burst it open.

That incited him to be hopeful.

Seokjin wanted it to be Jungkook so that's why he called for his name. Yet, the silence after he screamed his name made it crystal clear.

But seeing as nobody tried to kill them both after being inside of his home while talking and making noise, for some minutes, resulted in more faith.

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