"what–" woong is hugging her, nuzzling his head in her neck despite being taller than her. his arms are tight around her waist, and dayeon can't resist leaning into the embrace, crossing her arms around his neck.

"you did so well," his voice is quiet in her ear. "i told you you weren't gonna mess up your reveal, dayeon."

she feels him smile against her skin before pushing her to arm's length. "thanks, woong," she lets out a lighthearted laugh. "for not being a dick, or not dick enough to fuck up my member reveal," she breaks out into a grin, flinching as he playfully shoves her shoulder. "i'm kidding. thank you, though. because you were willing to help me and stuff. and also... for letting me still be friends with you."

he gives her a side hug, walking both of them back to where youngmin and the rest are. "you're welcome, you dork."


[+2,862, -218]

woongheenators why are yall so silent i thought
yall were fr about that woonghee life clowns
[+1,396, -174]

replying to yohanist
woong said woonghee flop
woongyeon roty and thats the tea
[+1,983, -451]

replying to yohanist
ok but like literally the whole of dt knows
that woong and rohee are dating so who
are the real clowns here
[+539, -127]

replying to yohanist + 1 other
who in dt even said woong and rohee
[+338, -24]

JEON WOONG found himself sitting in studio 3, leaning against the mirrors, a half-finished can of coke in his hands. after coming here almost everyday for the past four weeks, it feels weird that dayeon's not panicking about her reveal date, or that they're not up on their feet practicing their asses off for that one day. or maybe, it's just weird that dayeon's not in the room entirely.

after a few silent moments, donghyun enters through the door. he's quick to settle down in front of him, legs crossed and eyebrows raised, as if he's anticipating something from the older boy. woong only frowns, but a small smile makes its way onto his lips, anyway.

"i thought you'd be out with rohee," donghyun admits, grabbing the can from his hold and taking a swig for himself.

woong grimaces. "oh, don't tell me you think i'm dating rohee too," he scorns, taking the can back and finishing the fizzy drink. "i don't like that girl. not one bit, donghyun."

"what? you were head over heels for her last year," he sounds somewhat concerned. "oh. it can't be..." donghyun trails off, his eyes blowing wider with each second that passes. "no way. you don't tell me you started falling for," he leans closer, lowering his voice so it's no louder than a whisper, "lee dayeon?"

woong sits up straight. just smile and wave, woong. just smile and wave. "dayeon? she's... not my type," he says, short, twisting the metal tab until it's detached from the top of the can. "and rohee, i mean, i was. past tense."

"not your type?" donghyun snorts. "then tell me why you looked so smitten when it ended, dude. she was looking at the camera and you were literally full blown heart eyes at her," he points out, swiping his tongue over his lips. "if you read youtube comments, i'm sure i'm not the only one who saw it."

the sound of the door clicking open is heard. youngmin gives the both a look before walking over and plopping down beside donghyun, his legs spread out, supporting his weight with both his arms behind him. "looks serious. what are we talking about?"

"oh, woong just said he doesn't like rohee anymore because it was past tense. and then i brought dayeon up, and then he said she's not his type," donghyun shrugs. "and now he's silent because i was talking about how whipped he looked for the ending pose for her member reveal, and that i was positive i wasn't the only one who saw it– didn't you see it too, hyung?"

youngmin purses his lips together. not another word leaves his mouth. he only nods, and gives a knowing, cheeky smirk to the light-haired boy who has his back against the mirror. "shame that rohee wasn't there. i would've definitely wanted to see her react to that whole choreography. and how crazy smitten you looked."

donghyun nods his head vigorously, a wide grin on his face, like a child who got asked whether he wanted an extra scoop of ice-cream for dessert. "right, since we're on the topic of dayeon," he shifts in his spot, pulling his knees to his chest. "you two got something going on? or past tense?"

ah, shit. "huh? why'd you think like that?" woong lets out a chuckle in hopes of easing the air. "i've been friends with dayeon since high school back in daejeon. we just lost contact because she stayed there and i moved to seoul for college. it's... nothing interesting. believable?"

"debatable, but i'll take it," youngmin says carelessly. "good to see you both getting along well after her reveal, though. it wasn't the best when you two were acting so weird and... cold towards each other."

donghyun's about to open his mouth to say something, but woong's phone rings in his lap and he's already scrambling up to his feet to leave the room and answer the call. he doesn't bother to look at the caller id, he immediately picked it up and put it to his ear.

"woong! that was fast." woong wishes he didn't answer it that fast. "why are you at the studio? grab some lunch with me, please?"

he clears his throat, closing the door behind him. "sorry, rohee," his voice comes out easily. "i'm meeting dayeon for lunch. i'll text you later."

he ends the call without another word. the next thing he had to worry about was asking dayeon if she was free to just sit around and talk.


dayeon officially a part of dreamteam<3
luv that 4 her dayeon best member

oki this was like a semi filler idk
finals are soon but ill update a lot lol

woonghee flop woongyeon roty
woong loser "PAST TENSE"

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