"Lauren?" Camila tried again, frantically looking around, trying to call out for help, when all of the sudden Laurens body jerked upwards. Camila tightened her grip on the girl, watching as Laurens eyes opened wide, she stared up at the ceiling, unmoving. Lauren looked terrified, her whole body was shaking as she began mumbling incoherent things. 

Camila felt horrified, her hands sweaty and shaking, as she wiped away the already drenched dark strand of hair from Lauren face. She was unsure of what she was supposed to do or say. "Lauren... hey-- Shit! What do I do...? Lauren come on... pleas... ."

Suddenly Laurens eyes glazed over and all Camila was able to do was watch as the amber slowly vanished, replaced by the familiar green. Lauren took in a deep breath as a unexpected sob racked through her whole body. 

Camila held her closer trying to calm her down, when she felt the girls nails painfully digging into her arm, before she was roughly pushed away. Lauren was frantically looking around, as she bolted upright and away from Camila. She got up on shaking feet, gasping to get air back into her lungs. 

Her breathing was uncontrolled and she was looking around the room with pure fear inside her eyes, as tears kept rolling down her checks. 

"Hey... its... ."

"Get away from me! I'm not... You cant control me... I won't do it. I'm not yours to...! You wont.. ." Lauren screamed at Camila, who was still sitting on the floor watching her with wide confused eyes.

All the Slytherin girl was able to do, was watch silently as the angry girls eyes glazed over yet again. The amber seemed to be making its way across her iris again, as she began to whimper from pain? Laurens face contorted, as she staggered away from the brunette, holding her head tightly in her hands. Camila wasn't sure what was happening and purely driven by instinct and without thinking she ran forward crashing into Laurens body, wrapping the Gryffindor up in a right embrace.

She remembered that Lauren had told her once that she had panic attacks similar to hers. It felt like that was what Lauren needed. Camila held tightly onto Lauren, not letting her go. She could feel Lauren struggle to get free for the first couple seconds until she suddenly went limp in her embrace. She began calming down and her breathing went back to normal. Followed were sobs that finally took over the anxious girls body, as she began crying into Camila's neck. She wrapped her arms around the smaller girls waist, pulling her in even closer. 

The girl was still shaking but Camila figured it was still from the adrenalin that was slowly draining from her system. Camila held on to her, not daring to move or even breath as she let Lauren simmer down. 

After a moment Camila felt her arms get tired and her legs were tingling all over, afraid to freak Lauren out if she'd move to much, or leave their current embrace she shifted her weight from one foot to another, causing Lauren to take in a deep breath.

Unexpectedly two strong hands pushed Camila away, causing her to stumble backwards. Lauren was suddenly fuming. She could tell that the girl was still anxious her eyes red and puffy, as she stared angrily back at Camila. 

"D-Don't touch m- ... Get away from me! What the actual fuck?" Lauren almost yelled running a frantic hand through her hair, as she self consciously looked around, making sure no one else saw. "Stay the fuck away from me... you freak!"

The words cut deep. Camila stared after Lauren, who was quickly making her way out of the room, slamming the large wooden door close.    


Lauren was running. She was thankful that it had already gotten quite late and most students were already in their dorm, as she made her way into the third floor corridor. Some of the students that passed her threw her weird looks or called after her, but she couldn't care less at the moment. 

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