"Me neither." I mumbled texting him back a nice polite message turning him down. "I think this is a sign from the universe that I should stop trying."

Growing up I wasn't really interested in boys. I had Jungkook for as long as I could remember and he was enough but then, we entered high school and everything changed. I remember the summer before freshman year started, Jungkook went to summer camp and when he came back he was different. Still the immature and annoying best friend but physically everything changed. He hit a growth spurt and his voice dropped and suddenly he wasn't just Jungkook anymore he was the Jeon Jungkook. For the first two weeks back from summer camp, I don't think I could I even look him in the eyes without being flustered. The awkward boy I grew up with suddenly was hot. It took a while for me to get used to his new look and I somehow convinced myself I was in love with him but that didn't last long, thanks to Jaebum.

Im Jaebum. I knew the second I seen him that I was in love. I remember it like it was just yesterday, Jungkook and I were in art class when the teacher announced a new project. Jungkook and I didn't have to say a word to each other to know that we would be partners, however, Mr.Kim decided that it would be better if we worked with new people. Jungkook ended up getting to work with his friend Jisoo while I got stuck with some guy named JB. I've never heard of this JB guy and just from his name I made up my mind that he was probably a douchebag. Little did I know, he would soon be my first boyfriend. He was quiet and reserved but undeniably attractive. I wasn't a stuttering mess around him or intimidated, he made me feel comfortable. I was drawn to this older mysterious art guy and I couldn't help but fall in love. Jungkook didn't get it but to me he was perfect. Jungkook didn't really date in high school but he messed around with girls, which wasn't a surprise because as the years went on he just kept on getting more attractive. Jaebum and I were together for almost 2 years, he was my first boyfriend. So, when he broke up with me it was like my whole world had shattered. I knew our relationship changed when he graduated and went off to college and we tried to make it work but never did I think he would cheat on me. 

I took it bad, I was devastated. To make things worse, after Jungkook beat up Jaebum I didn't talk to him for months. I was pissed at Jungkook, at the time I was still in love with Jaebum and I ended up directing my anger and pain towards Jungkook because it was easier. He's a trooper because no matter how hard I tried to push him away or how much I yelled at him, he never gave up. Jungkook and I are naturally joined at the hip but senior year I was glued to his side. We even went to prom together, even though I told Jungkook he could take one of the pretty girls in our grade who would die to be in my position but he insisted. We also walked together for graduation. We did everything together, we still are doing things together. When college started, I told myself and everyone that I was not interested in dating and solely focusing on school and while that was true, a part of me knew that I was just afraid of getting hurt again. So, now here I am having breakfast having to decline a date from my ex-boyfriends best friend. 

I like to think things like this are signs from the universe and right now the universe is telling me that I need to either stop or look elsewhere. I guess I haven't properly been looking, my friend Nayeon has been the one setting me up on dates this whole time and every time I ask Jungkook he says he doesn't know anybody which is a lie because he's friends with like everyone on campus. It's hard going anywhere with Jungkook, he knows everyone and is very attractive so we get stopped every 3 seconds. I don't walk with Jungkook on campus anymore even if we have the same class because I always show up late. There will be times where we see each other but since we live together we don't care to hang out on campus. However, since I'm back on the market I will now be hanging out with him more often. 

"What are your plans this week?" I asked making Jungkook shrug. 

"Why?" he questioned giving me a look. "When are you ever interested in what I do?"

I dramatically gasped, "I'm always interested in what you do."

"No, you're not." he chuckled. "I'm supposed to study with Eunwoo tomorrow morning but he's not responding so I'm gonna probably end up going by myself."

"I can come with you!" I offered, a little too enthusiastic. "I have to study for something."

"Okay, cool." he said before looking back down at his phone.

Perfect. I can tag along with Jungkook tomorrow and try to find the love of my life. He has to be out here somewhere. My mom always tells me that things like this will come to you naturally when you're least expecting it but I'm tired of waiting. If the universe isn't going to lead me to love then I'm going to have to find it myself. 

"Are you done?" Jungkook asked.


"With breakfast, are you done?" he asked again pointing at my plate.

"Oh, yeah." I answered watching as Jungkook stacked our plates and headed to the sink to wash the dishes. 

"Are you okay?" he shouted from the sink. "You're weirdly quiet today."

I shrugged, "Just thinking, that's all."


"High school." I said. "You know about love and us."

Jungkook stopped washing the dishes and slowly turned to look at me, "Us?" he asked giving me a confused look.

"Yeah, like how in love I was with Jaebum." I shrugged. "Just comparing high school to college. I'm so confused at this dating stuff. I just feel lost but I'm glad I have you, you know. Like through everything, you were there for me and you still are. It's nice."

"Oh," Jungkook nodded before turning back to finish the dishes. "Yeah, of course I'll always be there for you." 

"Well can you be there to help me find my soulmate?" I asked making him laugh. 

"What do you mean? I am helping you, I tried to help you last night." he said placing the dishes on the drying rack. 

I rolled my eyes, "Yeah and I ended up in bed with you so you weren't that helpful."

"I can't hand you your soulmate on a silver plater, Mina." he chuckled. "You need to put in the work. Last night, you had options."

"Whatever." I groaned. "I guess I will die alone."

"Wrong, you'll die beside me." Jungkook corrected drying his hands. 

"Doesn't necessarily make me feel better." I mumbled getting up and following behind Jungkook into the livingroom.

Jungkook laughed, "That's rude." he said plopping down on the couch and grabbing his Xbox controller. 

"Please, can we just watch a movie." I begged trying to grab the controller out of his hands but he's taller and stronger so it doesn't take much for him to keep it out of my reach. 

"One game." he said gently pushing me away with one hand and turning on the console with the other. "I promise."

I shook my head, "Liar." I mumbled trying to push his hand away and failing. "Jungkook, please."

"I made you food." he said making me huff. He was right, I guess I could let him play one game. "Thank you."

"Whatever." I rolled my eyes.

"See that wasn't so hard, brat." Jungkook smiled as Fortnite started up. 

"I'm not a brat." I muttered under my breath but Jungkook still heard and he laughed. 

"Biggest brat I know." he said matter-of-factly. 

Jungkook ended up playing the whole night and as annoyed as I was at him, I still let him sleep with me. So if anyone is a brat, it's definitely him. 

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