"Well, this isn't the Bachelorette," Jungkook mumbled. "a frat party is going to have to do."

I groaned, "Not a frat party." 

"Mina," Jungkook said grabbing both sides of my arms. "Trust me, I have a plan."

"Your plans don't usually go well." I mumbled to myself. 

"Listen, you're already dressed up and it's only 5 minutes away." Jungkook said. "You don't want to waste the outfit."

I sighed, "You know how I feel about frat parties." The last time I went to a frat party with Jungkook, I was so uncomfortable I basically clung onto him the whole night because I didn't know anyone and I didn't want to be that girl in the corner alone. I felt bad because Jungkook probably wanted to talk to girls and I was holding him back but he kept reassuring me that he was having fun with me. We somehow found ourselves in the backyard where we took shots and smoked three blunts back to back and I ended up embarrassingly kissing Jungkook. I cringe thinking about it and vowed to never go with him again. 

"It's a win-win, Mina." Jungkook laughed. "You could end the night with a new boyfriend or you can make out with me again."

"Gross." I cringed. "It's your fault, honestly."


"We were in the kitchen and you just kept looking at me." I couldn't help it. He was staring at me with those big eyes and it felt like we were the only people there. I blame the alcohol and weed but mostly Jungkook. 

He smiled, "You looked really beautiful that night." he said making me roll my eyes. "If you didn't lean in I would have regardless. You just saved me from the embarrassment."

"I just hate that everyone saw." I groaned. "Yoongi and Seokjin would not stop teasing me about it."

"You know, they're gonna be there tonight." he said making me perk up. "I don't know why you like hanging out with them so much all they do is lecture and nag people, I don't know how Namjoon hangs out with them everyday it must be exhausting."

"I love being around them. They're so funny and chaotic especially when you get Yoongi, Seokjin and Hoseok in one room it's like never ending entertainment." I explained. 

"Does that mean you'll go?" Jungkook grinned. 

I sighed, "Fine." 

"Yes!" he cheered jumping up from the couch. "I'm going to get ready really quickly just wait."

"Should I change into something more casual?" I asked. "I don't want to look overdressed."

"Absolutely not." he answered. "You look perfect."

I waited in the living room for what felt like forever but what was really only like 30 minutes for Jungkook to get dressed. Hoseok is part of a frat with Namjoon, Seokjin, Yoongi and a whole bunch of other obnoxious hormonal college boys. Jungkook met them through Taehyung and Jimin, his two other friends, so it was only natural that I was introduced as well. They all were in the same music class and bonded quickly.  I didn't mind being around them, it just sucked being the only girl so for the most part I opted out of hanging with them but make exceptions from time to time especially when there's a party or heavy drinking involved. 

"Are you cold?" Jungkook asked pulling me closer to him as we walked across campus to Greek Row. 

I shook my head, "Not when you have me in a headlock." I said trying to loosen Jungkook's arm around my neck. 

"Sorry," he chuckled letting go and linking our arms instead. "I'm a bit possessive."

"I didn't realize I was going to have to go through campus in this outfit." I groaned. "I don't want everyone looking at me like I'm crazy." 

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