
I got a text from my two siblings saying their stomachs are killing them and that they're resting in the nurses office.

(Y/n): Are you two okay?
Ayato: It's just our stomachs, go see who else you can eat lunch with.
(Y/n): Alright. Text me when your better but I'm checking up on you after lunch.
Ayano: Alright. Bye.
(Y/n): Bye.

When I got off the phone, I saw Oso in front of me and jumped. "O-Osoro! Hi." I said in shock and she smirked at me. "Did I scare you?" I nodded and she grabbed my arm, telling me to get up. Confused, I had done it and she told me to come with her to eat lunch. "Okay." I said and grabbed my lunch as I went to the incinerator. When I got there, I shyly waved to the others as I sat down with the delinquents on the grass. (I know they eat on the bench but I'm changing it here). "So who's this boss?" A delinquent asked Oso and she spoke. "This is (Y/n). Don't harass her if she ever comes back here unless she has something suspicious." They nodded and introduced themselves. "You all seem really nice." I said as I closed my empty box.

We chat a bit more until the bell rang. "Oh, I've got to go. I'll see you later." I said and rushed inside. I put away the box and went to the nurses office quickly. "Hello?" The pink haired nurses asked when they saw me, something sparked in their eyes as if they remembered me but I don't know them. "Are my siblings here?" "Ayano and Ayato Aishi?" I nodded and they nodded. "They'll be fine. Someone just put a bit of food poisoning in their food when they were distracted. I'd say come back after school. We'll send them home if they're better before club activities end if you're in a club." I nodded to the female and left, feeling relieved that they're okay.

After club activities

Ayano and Ayato texted me before club activities began that they're going home after I texted them that I can walk home alone.

"Let me show you the other two. Asu texted me that you met her during P.E." I nodded and she brought me to the Occult Room. The members looked up then brought Oka forward. She looked up and had a smile tug her lips. "Hi... (Y/n)..." She said and I waved. "Hi Oka. What's going on?" "We weren't able to... summon a demon... it's a dream... of ours..." Oka said. "I can try to help it. It shouldn't interrupt my studies or club activities so I can try to help." Oka looked up in surprise and seemed to think for a minute. She nodded and a male spoke. "What's... going on..?" He asked and looked up at me. He looked like a male version of Oka so I'm guessing that they're twins like the others. "Hi. I'm (Y/n). I'll try to help your club in summoning a demon." He was shocked and spoke. "Oko... I'm Oka's brother..." I nodded and waved to them as we went to the auditorium after changing our shoes.

"Hmm? (Y/n)!" Kizana said after seeing me and hugged me after elegantly speed walking towards me. "Hi Kizana. How have you been?" "Great! What about you?" "Fine. I'm so glad to be back." "It has been a bit silent without you here but then again, it might just be the absence of us laughing when guys were falling for you while you didn't know how to react." "I don't know why people develop crushes on me! That's why and you all knew it." "Of course we did. Oh I just remembered that my brother is here. (Y/n), this is my brother Kizano." She said and I waved as he bowed. "How great of me to be the presence of a princess." He said and I blushed. "O-Oh, thank you?" I said as he chuckled and kissed the top of my hand. "It's getting late. We should head home." Kizano said, facing Kizana and she nodded.

I waved goodbye to them as I got to the gate. Someone grabbed my arm and I almost slapped them in self defense. "It's me. Where are your siblings that you said you'll be walking home with?" "They aren't in a club. I can walk alone Osorō." I said and he shook his head. "I could stop your slap before it connected. I think someone will take advantage of that. Besides, we live next to each other so I don't see a problem with it." I sighed and nodded, walking with him as we were getting home.

"Were you waiting for me?" "I didn't see you leave with your siblings so yes, I had waited. It wasn't for long though." I nodded and he put his arm around my waist. "Wh-What are you doing?" "Keeping you close to me. If anyone tried to take you, I'll know immediately." "I don't think anyone would try to take me." "You never know." He said and I sighed while walking with him.

We got home and saw Oso in front of her house with their mom. "(Y/n)!" Mrs Shidesu said and I waved. "Hi Mrs Shidesu." I said and Osorō let me go. "So why were you holding her Osorō?" "I wanted to make sure no one would take her mom." He said and I smiled while going inside my house.

Mom was in front of the two and frowned. "No emotions?" They shook their heads and I frowned. "(Y/n), why are you late?" "Sorry, I joined a club and we stay after school late." I said to mom and she nodded. "Alright then. At least you aren't hurt. Why don't you two join a club too?" "Like what?" "What clubs are there?" "Art, photography, drama, martial arts, cooking, drama, gaming, occult, sports, and science." "Why not science or martial arts?" Mom asked and they shrugged while mom sighed and stood up. "Eat what you want." Mom said and I nodded while putting my bag in my room.

Month later

"Wait, you have emotions?" "Yeah..." Ayano said shyly and smiled. "What's their name?" "Budo Matsuda." "Taeko Yamada." "Oh, the Yamada's live next door to us." I said and they nodded as Ayato smiled. "Should I talk to them for you?" "Would you try to take them from us?" I shook my head and smiled. "I wouldn't do anything to make you two unhappy." I said and they nodded. "W-Well... we are too shy to talk to them ourselves... maybe that would help..." Ayano said and I nodded, smiling. "Alright, so I'm guessing the older female of the Yamada family and the martial arts leader?" They nodded and I nodded back.

"Then I'll try to have them like you." I smiled and they nodded while awkwardly hugging me. "Thank you." I smiled, "You're welcome. Now let's sleep." I said and they nodded while we went to our rooms.

My phone had lots of text messages and I saw Succubus at the door. "What are you doing Succubus?" "I'm bored, there's nothing to do in the human world." "I can't help that." "I guess so but it's still really boring..." She grumbled and sat down on my bed. I looked at my texts and smiled to her. "You can always go back to the demon realm." "It's more boring there than here. I'm gonna look for humans to mess with or sexual energy." I nodded and she left.

Osorō: (Y/n), what are you doing?
Hanakō: Does privacy not exist to you Osorō?
Osorō: I'm curious because she hasn't responded to us in a while.
Megamo: Just wait some time, it's not like she's purposely doing it.
Kizano: He's right. Juliet wouldn't do that to us.
Amao: But it's worrying as to why she hasn't responded to us in a while...
Oko: (Y/n), please respond to us...
Aso: Come on, don't mess with us like this.
Osano: Were worried for you. Stop doing this and respond before we got to your house and kill you with tickles.
(Y/n): I'm sorry! I was talking to my siblings and lost track of time! How can I make up for it?
Hanakō: Why don't you come to the park with us tomorrow?
(Y/n): Sure! I'll meet you around 10.
Megamo: Don't be late or were going to your house and dragging you there ourselves.
(Y/n): Why are you always so grumpy Megamo? I haven't seen a normal smile on your face in a while!

Megamo left the chat
Hanakō left the chat
Osano left the chat
Amao left the chat
Oko left the chat
Kizano left the chat
Osorō left the chat
Aso left the chat

I sighed and put my phone down before changing. "Boys are dumb sometimes."

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