This pub was smoker friendly, which was a shame really. It was a really nice pub.

The interior was completely made of wood, with neon signs everywhere. The windows had colorful glass with designs. Pool tables here and there. There was a jukebox in the corner playing good music.

There was laughter and happiness in the air.

Everyone was having a good time.

Tony laughed along with a crowd that chanted "Chug, chug, chug, chug" as two men chugged beer from their pints. "Woo!" Tony laughed as everyone clapped with the winner. He turned to Stephen. "Hey, you need some..." Tony stopped his talking when he saw how a red neon sign gave Stephen's side of the face a perfect glow.

Everything seemed to slow down when his eyes fell on him.

Every second was precious.

He watched as Stephen stuck the cigarette in his mouth and breathed in.

The little flame consuming the white paper.

Then came the cloud of smoke that's Stephen blew out, giving him a much more attractive and sexy filter in Tony's eyes.

He would've kept staring only if the smoke hasn't burned his eyes and entered his nose. He coughed.

Stephen turned to him.

"What?" Stephen asked.

Tony cleared the smoke out of his face. "I was just..." He coughed. "...asking if you needed some help opening your bottle since you know..." Tony shrugged. "Your hands."

"Hm?" Stephen looked next to him, seeing the green glass bottle. "Oh. Uh, sure." He handed it to Tony.

Tony popped the cap off.

"Cheers." Stephen said, raising up a little before taking a gulp. He looked out at the crowd of people. "Look at them." He said.

Tony looked back at the people.

They were laughing, smiling. Having a good time.

Tony smiled. "Yeah."

"Literal animals." Stephen said, taking another gulp. "Their mere existence insults me-"

"Their happiness is contagious." Tony said.

"Hm?" Stephen turned to him.

"Everyone's laughing. Enjoying themselves." Tony said. "This is what life should be about."

"You think so?" Stephen asked.

"Of course. Live life. No regrets. Have a laugh, and if life gives you a few rough bumps and bruises, get back up." Tony said, smiling and turning to Stephen. "Don't you think?"

Stephen looked at him, watching as Tony's eyes twinkled with the neon light of the signs around them.


Stephen and Tony quickly looked toward the sound of glass shattering in the pub.

"Stephen Strange." Came the voice of a man as he came through a portal with his hood over his face.

Other portals opened next to him, sorcerers ready.

"Ah, shit." Stephen sighed. He bumped his fists together and pulled them apart, forming shields.

Boom Boom Whoosh

"How did they find us?" Tony asked, readying his suit.

"Gentlemen, please take this outside." Said the bartender.

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