"A test." Luna answers, sticking her wet, soapy head outta the shower.

Ashley jumps up in shock, she knows what this means. "Holy Fuck, Loons!!! Really?? It took you 3mnths to sleep with Justin!"

"I know, Ash. Am I fucking crazy?" She asks, popping her now rinsed head out again.

"I mean... You are a LunaaaaTIC... So there's definitely some crazy in there, Bro." Ashley laughs.

"Fuuck you." Luna laughs with an eye roll as she turns off the shower.

"Nah. Like I told Pete last night. You two are gonna soar or crash and burn. Either way, it's gonna be a fuck of a love story. As harsh as that may sound." Ashley tells her bestfriend The Truth.

"What Petey say?" Luna asks wrapping a towel around her.

"He agreed. I think he's more worried about you than Kells though." She continues "I will say, Loons, I've known Kells for a few years now. Seen him in a LOT of different lights, different scenarios, not to be a dick, but different chicks... There was something different about him last night. I've never seen him so in tune with someone the way you two were. It was nice to watch. Anytime I looked at you guys, you were engaged and happy with each other. Most bitches I see him with stay glued to their phones because they're either trying to pimp him out or they don't truly connect, like you two seem to." She smiles but it fades. "I've been really worried about you. NY is too heavy. It was a good idea for you to come here." She steps forward to hug Luna again, who's now in her panties and bra. "Sometimes you need sunshine, not grit." The Girls squeeze each other tightly before they release.

"I really like him, Ash." Luna says looking at her through the mirror. "I told him about Justin last night." She let's out quietly.

"What did he say?" Ashley asks with a hint of concern.

"Nothing. Scooped me up from my chair and held me. Then he stood me up and slow danced with me to a Clapton song."

"AWWWWWWW!!!" Ashley squeals. "Which song?"

"Wonderful Tonight." Luna answers.

"I'm fucking dead." Ashley replies.

Luna rolls her eyes again but with a smile. Taking her long blonde hair from the towel, she begins to brush it. "It's so crazy and weird. I only thought about Justin twice last night." She admits out loud. Ashley sees the look of pain and guilt on her friend's face as she stares off for a second. "When Colson first kissed me and right before I fell asleep. Which was even weirder because I was okay. It was like an acknowledgement of I'm laying bedside this man who isn't you but I'm okay that it's him and not you. Does that make sense?" She asks quickly before continuing. "Which made me sad but only for like a second because I really was content just being there with Colson." Luna slams her mascara down on the counter and whips around to Ashley. "Does that make me fucked up. Like, there's a million bitches that would DIE to lay next to this motherfucker and I wouldn't even fuck him on his birthday." She asks with a troubled look on her face.

Ashley steps forward and puts her hands on Luna's shoulders. "No, you're not fucked up. You're healing. You'd be fucked up if you were laying in bed with Kells wishing he was Justin. You're not. You just said it yourself, you were content being with COLSON. Look, you're always gonna miss Justin, Luna. He was a huge part of your life and how it ended is beyond fucked up but you don't deserve to sit in that apartment wallowing anymore. Just go with the flow. If it feels right, do it. Trust your instincts. That's what you taught me." Ashley kisses her on the cheek and gives her a brave smile.

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