The Girl in the Cheetah Print Coat

Start from the beginning

"FUCK YEAH!" He answers with a huge grin.

"Cool." She coos with a now mischievous smile. "I need a table."

"Oh, it's like that???" He asks with even more intrigue.

"It's like that." She shrugs nonchalantly.

Colson guides Luna to the dining room table which is littered with liquor bottles, cans of monster, rolling papers, joints and jars of bud. He clears off a space for the black leather portfolio case he just notices that she has been carrying.

"I hope you like it." She says, looking up into his sparkling blue eyes with another tiny, playful smile.

Luna unzips the leather case exposing a canvas with multiple copies of the logo from his Lace Up album painted as they speckle the background. In the middle is a black and white photo of a young Colson looking directly at the camera from SideStage. It's safety pinned on top of a piece of studded leather. Scattered through out the canvas are cut outs displaying little negatives. The top showcases his painted stage name MGK and under the picture is a ripped ticket stub. Luna steps aside, watching Colson's eyes light up in excitement and disbelief.

"HOLY. FUUCK." He breathes out, looking over at her. "This is fucking amazing. Thank you." He reaches to hug her but she ducks out of his grasp.

"Wait, wait, wait..." She coaxes, lifting the art piece out.

Luna touches the bottom of the canvas; making all the negatives light up bright to be clearly seen. They are of him performing during the same show.

"WHAT THE FUCK!!" Colson yells as he starts bouncing around the room, geeking out for a second. "THAT IS FUCKING BAD ASS!" He exclaims.

Without thinking Colson grabs Luna tightly around the waist, lifting her up and spinning her around. She laughs loudly, pleased with his happiness.

"Thank you." He softly says again, kissing her lightly on the forehead as he puts her down blushing.

Luna can't help but notice how delicious he smells with his long arm draped around her shoulder and his 6'4 body towering over her 5'2 frame. He engulfs her as he leans in to take a closer look. He recognizes that night immediately. Leaning back and staring so deeply into her eyes he can see the ring of yellow around her irises for the first time.

"Two things. Your eyes are fucking insane. And who took these?" He asks directly.

"Uhm... Thank you? And I did, at The Gramercy, I believe. It's on the stub on the bottom." She replies.

As Colson looks at the ticket stub his heart is racing. It confirms what he knows. "It's her. It's her. It's her." His mind keeps repeating. "Holy Fuck, she's The Girl in Cheetah Print Coat!!!" His brain can't help but scream. "Fuck it." He thinks. "Shoot your shot."

"You gotta boyfriend?" Colson asks Luna ducking down closer to her face; mustering all his bravery while his left arm is still around her.

"No." She answers quietly, lightly shaking her head with a look of intrigue; with that he cradles the side of her face with his whole right hand, kissing her deeply.

Luna's body had been warm since he first scooped her up but it immediately sets on fire the moment his mouth presses upon hers. She feels a wave wash over her, making her nipples hard and vagina plump. "WHAT THE FUCK IS HAPPENING?? I haven't since Just..." She thinks with a flash of pain in her heart before Colson and the electricity he sends pulsing through her body consumes her completely.

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