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First part of the dream,  I felt like I have a wound a lasceration on my knee and my hands it felt real like you actually can feel the pain. After that this dream changed to me, my mother, father, and my sister Kiah went to a store and we shopped also there are so many chickens after that I played with the chickens One particular chicken came to me and it's not afraid when I touched it because the others ran when I chase them. Okay so my mom want me to drive the motorcycle of my father but unfortunately I release a blue feathered chicken or rooster I dont know then I cried. We also have that dream that we cry in our sleep literally I felt it but I didnt wake up. And then I chased but I could not find it anymore but I never gave up on finding it until I reached the public market where my grandmother sells her product, it is in bugasong and the store is called bugasong enterprise it's weird though because the store kinda looked like a forest but a convinient store or grocery store it has this vibe of nature like trees and the ground is literally earth but you can see that there are so many foods and other stuff to buy.....so I didn't find it no matter how hard I try. Then I went home my father asked me  and scolded me. And then the dream shifted to when I'm grounded I escaped out of the house and my father brought me three bodyguards with extra powers which I forgot their names but the other one the most significant person of them is the fire girl they have their hairs dyed pink, blue and green.........I almost got killed by the pink haired she want to punish me since I ran and when they said we're going home I panicked and then there's a mission which investigated a town which is almost Isolated and when we went there the town looks like a ghost town because only a few people were there and then we procceed to the cause of this according to the people's rumors the haunted house, it's more like a mansion when we went home we saw a doll it attacked us but I still approached it and when things got rough we went inside  a room I brought the doll after that I asked the pink hair to kick me again and she did but I felt nothing even if she kicked me harder and we wen't to the doll it became a normal doll and after that we saw birds I caught two of them and the blue haired girl that looks like my friend Mary caught one and we exchanged and I gave the other one to the pink haired girl and I said when she asked why I gave it to her
because we're all friends and when we went out everything is on fire some burned everything when we looked back the house is on fire good thing we escaped and when we procceed to get the hell out we got blocked by a house who is burning after that we planned to squeeze right in and we did escaped but just half way when we stop at the entrance I checked my phone I thought it was cracked but it was my pervious two phones I found it and  the bag was caught on fire when they said to let go I didn't I rummaged and rummaged for thing that I could save and I have to pour them all to the ground and after that the villagers made A pit to the things I threw and toss their stuff so the fire grew unfortunately I won't take non of this so even if I got burned alive I rummaged through the stuff and found my things it's surprising that the fire didn't burn me and that the fire is decreasing and nothing burned almost but most of my stuff weren't burned I was busy looking for more stuff I could use in the trash when I saw the blue haired girl (they're all girls) went up the stairs what looked like a stand or something like the stairs that you can sit in and she came to a guy who is laughing at me for scouraging a bunch of trash and then when I almost found my stuff plus some of the people's stuff I called to them to leave and when we were about to leave the people who were just watching a while ago started chasing us and I forgot the other details so we end the dream here since I woke up...............

My Thoughts, Dreams and What People Think of Me Also Some Prayers And COMPLAINTSUnde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum