Chapter 7

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"You look beautiful." Lauren said speechless.

"I feel a little free with this." Camila said twirling.

It wasn't until she literally tripped and fell on top of Lauren.

"Woah are you okay there?" Lauren asked laughing.

"Yeah, just got too caught up." Camila admitted feeling her cheeks burn up.

Lauren sits up with her eyebrow raised before she felt Camila lips on hers. Sending them back...

She dances alone, feeling the beat of the music in that white dress she has on. Lauren watches as she dances gracefully. Lowlifes like her can never go, so she sits on a tree everyday watching the beautiful lights as they shine in the sky. It wasn't until something, no someone caught her eye. The girl she's watching sneaks away. Lauren walks toward where she at and sees her take a deep breath. Not wanting to be a creep, Lauren decided to introduce herself.

"Uh hi." Lauren greets causing her to look up.

"Oh hello." She greeted back.

"I'm Lauren." Lauren states.

"Camila." She says with a smile making Lauren heart melt.

"Why aren't you at the ball?" Lauren asked making Camila fidget.

"It's that- wait why aren't you?" Camila asked.

"Well lowlife life likes me can't go." Lauren answered.

"Oh, well I'm lonely there, I have no one to dance with." Camila said looking down.

"Eh, that's boring. Follow me." Lauren ushered speed walking off.

Camila caught up to her to see a huge plain field. Lauren held out her hand making Camila look at it before taking it. Lauren ushered her to follow and she did as they ran through the plain. Lauren let go of her hand and Camila twirled around feeling free. Lauren smiled as they stumbled into the woods. They seen deer running around with lightening bugs flying around and the river bank. They walked over to the river and sat on a rock.

"That was satisfying and fun." Camila said still with a smile on her face.

Lauren looked at her with a smile as Camila looked around seeing the deer running around.

"Hmm beautiful." Lauren mumbled making Camila look up and blush.

"I-" Cutting herself off, she just kissed Lauren instead.

After that, it led to a very fun night which if you understand what I mean then let's skip. Lauren was happy, very happy until she got home. She heard a small cry coming from her house making her walk in.

"Mom!" Her siblings cried.

Lauren walked in seeing her mother against the wall with her father hands around her neck. As soon as the door closed, Michael looked back making Clara hit him off. Lauren looked around and see one of his swords. Michael went after Clara as she tried to get away. Lauren grabbed the sword and looked at her father. He pushed Clara up against something making her gasp and blood fell. Lauren yelled the loudest no as Michael stepped back shocked. Her siblings cried while Lauren looked at her father with the deadliest stare ever. He backed up as she dragged the sword across the floor towards him.

"Lau-" Lauren swung the sword at him as soon as the words left his mouth making him duck.

She swung again and again until he grabbed the sword from her hands. He held it at her neck making her angry get the best of her and she grabbed it letting it slice her hands before kicking him off.

"Mom wake up please." Taylor cried as Chris listened for breathing.

"Lauren, she's still alive!" Chris yelled making Lauren stop.

Michael ran as Lauren looked back at them. She ran to her mother side before hearing her speak her last words.

"Protect eachother okay? Find love my babies." She said smiling before dying.

Chris and Taylor hugged Lauren, burying their heads into her chest. Lauren completely changed after that...

Slowly trailing her fingers along Lauren's back and smiling, she looked up seeing Lauren smiling at her already.

"You know this is what my mother wanted." Lauren admitted making Camila raise her eyebrows obviously confused.

"What is that suppose to mean?" She asked questionably.

"Before my Mom fully died, she told me to find love." Lauren states making Camila sit up.

"So what does that mean?" Camila asked sitting up.

Lauren smirked as Camila played with her hair.

"I fell for you the night I watched you dance alone at the ball." Lauren admitted making Camila blush hard and deep.

Camila leaned down and kissed her lips.

"I'm falling more and more for you too." Camila admitted as well.

Lauren breathed in before getting up.

"I hate ruining moments, but we should get dress before someone catches us." Lauren said making Camila nod.

"I completely forgot we were in this castle." Camila says putting on her clothes as Lauren did the same.

"Well princess, time for dinner." Lauren ushered with the door opened as Camila smoothed her dress before leaving.

They made their way downstairs and into the dinningroom. Lauren stood against the wall behind Camila's chair as everyone took their seats. Michael walked in smiling as always.

"Food is coming sir." He says making Alejandro nod.

"Thank you for reminding me." He thanked.

Something felt off in Lauren's stomach. She looked at Dinah who was staring out the window. She felt it too.

"Um, sir something don't feel right." Dinah spoke up.

"What do you mean?" Alejandro asked.

The food came making Dinah snap her attention to it.

"Wait don't eat it." Lauren randomly say making everyone retrace their hands.

"There must be a good reason." Alejandro says.

"Why don't you get my father to test it, he should be rewarded for his hard work." Lauren said.

"Uh that's not needed." Michael says.

"That's a great idea, Jauregui you can have the first bite I insist." Alejandro ushered.

"No I'm not hungry sir." Michael denied.

"It's just a bite, what's so harmless about that?" Camila asked making him sigh.

"Unless there is something harmful." Lauren says...

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