Chapter 1

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"If you want to be a good knight, good knights fight well for who they are loyal too. The two people who impress me will get to hang out with the Royal family." The head man, Tyler as he go by said.

All the soon to be knights are terrified,  meeting the Royal family is like a dream especially with their most beautiful daughter.

"Now, we have guest." Tyler said usher in towards the door which the Royal family actually walked through making all the knights to kneel.

"No need for that, we are your guests." The King, Alejandro stated.

They are nice to all, rich or poor. They'll help with every chance they get. The princesses looked around and spotted one that stood out more.

Dinah, one of the greatest fighters there judges her best friend causing her to advert her eyes off of Tyler.

"What?" Lauren asked.

"The princesses are staring at us." Dinah said.

"I don't care." Lauren said putting on her mask.

"Wow so rude." Dinah said doing that same.

People fought one on one and it reached until there were Shawn, Lauren, Dinah, and Arin left.

"Shawn and Lauren, you're next." Tyler ushered and they got ready.

Lauren held her sword with one hand as Shawn held his with two.

"Start." Tyler directed and Shawn swung first.

Lauren hit the sword and hit down, Shawn hit the sword out her hand and brought the sword up to her head. She grabbed it letting it cut her hands and pushed him off of it. Turning the sword in her hand, she stabbed the floor next to his head shocking everyone. Shawn let out a breath of relief and Lauren helped him up.

"Good match." Shawn said holding out his fist.

"You two." Lauren said giving in on his fist bump him.

"Dinah and Arin." Tyler ushered and they gotten ready.

Arin was known for being quick, but Dinah is known for being a great fighter.

"Begin." Tyler said and Arin charged at her first.

Dinah, with all of her power swung her sword at his knocking it out of his hand. He tried to grab it, but Dinah blocked his way with the sword. He stopped as she got closer to her body and she kicked him on the ground.

"Dammit." Arin muttered knowing he lost.

"Good, Dinah and Lauren." Tyler ushered to talk to.

"Yes sir?" They asked.

"What are y'all waiting for, they are ready for you. The rest of you laps." Tyler said as they groaned.

Dinah and Lauren made their way over to the family as they stood impressed by the two.

"Firstly you two are impressive with your skills, we'll like to have you shower first." Alejandro said and they nodded.

They made their way out and onto the horses. Lauren and Dinah got on their assigned horses, following them to the castle.

"This is crazy." Dinah said.

"Yup." Lauren said.

"Are you okay? What's going on today?" Dinah asked.

"I'm fine, it's just another day here." Lauren said.

"Oh come on, Meadow Branch is the best kingdom and you just have to enjoy it." Dinah said making her horse run up to the carriage. 

Lauren did the same, but on the other side making the princesses look up at them.

"No." The King's daughter, Camila said to the other princess who is her friend.

"Oh come on, I already have dibs." Her friend, Normani said.

"There will be no dibs girls." The Queen, Sinu said.

"Ugh, but she's cute." Normani whispered to the Queen making her roll her eyes.

"Teenagers." Alejandro said making the little child laugh.

"Hi." The child, Sofia greeted Lauren who waved, but her face scrunched.

"You have a cut on your hand." She said making everyone look at it.

"It's fine." Lauren said.

"Well we are here, let's go." Alejandro said getting out as Lauren and Dinah helped the ladies out.

"You're cute." Normani whispered in Dinah's ear making her go red as she kept walking.

Dinah looked at Lauren and snatched her back from the group.

"Dude." Lauren said.

"She called me cute!" Dinah whispered loudly which none of them heard.

"Okay, get over it. She probably say that to all the cute boys." Lauren said walking on.

Dinah groaned and believe Lauren cause she can be right. As they all entered the castle, Lauren is met with her father.

"King Alejandro, may I ask why you have my daughter here?" He asked.

"Well she impressed me with her skills, maybe one day she'll be working by your side." Alejandro said.

He looked down at her hands to see the blood on them. Like father like daughter.

"And it runs through the family, clean your hands." He said before marching to his post.

Lauren bawled her hands into a fist and followed the King as he led them to their rooms.

"Now, get cleaned up so we can discuss breakfast." Alejandro said and they nodded.

Alejandro and Sinu walked away as Sofia ran off to her room.

"What are your names?" Normani asked.

"Dinah." Dinah said.

"Lauren." Lauren said.

"Already knowing your last name, what's yours?" Normani asked.

"I'm not a Jauregui." Lauren said.

"Huh?" Normani wondered confused.

"It's his last name, not mines. I will never be an Jauregui." Lauren said.

"DNA nor genes never lie, everyone takes the last name of their father." Camila said.

"Well I'm not everyone, Princess." Lauren said.

"I'm going to take the King's orders, have fun with this conversation." Dinah said entering the room.

Lauren walked backwards into the room and closed the door as Normani looked at Camila.

"We should head to your bedroom." Normani said.

"Yep." Camila said walking with her.

"Also I'm still going with Dinah so don't try anything with her." Normani said making Camila have an idea.

"Okay." Camila said as they walked to the room and sat down discussing how the day will go and everything before the soon to be crazy day starts.

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