Chapter 3

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"Alright, I want to give you a tour around the castle, may I?" Normani asked.

"Sure." Dinah said and Normani grabbed her hand.

"Alright, let's go." Normani ushered and Dinah felt her interlock them making Dinah blush.

Lauren came down and seen Camila getting up.

"Yes, Normani took your best friend." Camila said.

"Alrighty than." Lauren said grabbing an apple.

"Can we talk?" Camila asked.

"Why?" Lauren asked.

"Because you have so much anger built in you and you need someone to talk to." Camila said and Lauren smiled.

"Okay." Lauren said and Camila guided her outside.

They sat by the pond that is on the side of the house.

"So, I wouldn't usually take anyone here, but it's a peaceful place." Camila said.

"It must suck being in a dress." Lauren said.

"Sometimes, but if I don't want to be in a dress I'll wear a skirt." Camila said.

"Alright, I hope this apple will become a beautiful flower." Lauren said throwing it on the ground.

"Uh, why did you do that?" Camila asked.

"Decomposing, my Mom taught me a few things when I was younger." Lauren said.

"What else did she teach you?" Camila asked.

"How to treat a woman and dancing." Lauren said.

"Dancing?" Camila asked.

"Yeah, and it's not lame." Lauren said.

"No it isn't, I always wanted to dance." Camila said.

"Maybe your Mom can teach you." Lauren joked making Camila roll her eyes.

"Whatever, what do you like to do in your free time?" Camila asked.

"I used to go up on the roof at night and look at the moon." Lauren said making Camila smile.

"That's nice, I just like to be here at times." Camila said.

"You look like the type of person who sings to themselves." Lauren said making Camila blush.

"How in the world did you know that?" Camila asked.

"You look like the person who would." Lauren said as Camila laughed.

"Well since you know that I do now, do you?" Camila asked.

"Yes, I sing." Lauren said.

"Let me guess, you sing the song your mother sung to you?" Camila asked and Lauren nodded.

"It keeps me calm." Lauren said.

"Your mother sounds like an amazing person." Camila said.

"She was." Lauren said.

Camila smiled and locked eyes with Lauren. The first time she has ever seen them a brighter green than before.

"Does your eyes change color?" Camila asked.

"At times, yes." Lauren said.

"Well they are a beautiful shade of green." Camila said.

"Hmm, that's nice." Lauren said and Camila nodded.

They turned their heads hearing rustling in the forest. Seeing a glimpse of it, it pounced out and growled at them causing them to shoot up.

"Is that a wolf?" Camila asked.

"Yeah, uh run." Lauren said causing Camila to take off, damn her sundress.

The wolf look at Camila and Lauren look at Camila. He ran after her and Lauren did the same. The wolf jumped, but Lauren jumped in front of it making it tackle her.

Camila yelped as Lauren fought off the huge wolf.

"Guys!" Camila yelled catching the guards attention.

"Princess are you okay?" One of the guards asked.

"Yes, but help me." Camila said taking off back towards Lauren who is now on top of the wolf.

"Down beast." Lauren growled which kinda turned Camila on, but she ignored it.

The guards seemed the scene and their jaws drop. The wolf started to whimper making Lauren get off of it as it ran back into the forest. Camila ran to her side and already seen the blood on her stomach through her shirt. Big mistake lifting her shirt because Camila is now lowkey full on turned on. Wow those abs.

"Are you okay?" Camila asked.

"I'll live, Princess." Lauren said as Camila helped her up.

"Do you want us to help?" A guard asked.

"No, I think I got it. Thank you though." Camila said walking Lauren in.

They go up the stairs and Camila let Lauren fall on the bed as she groaned.

"Ouch." Lauren said.

"Sorry, take off your shirt." Camila said going into her bathroom for a cloth.

She wet it before exiting the room to see Lauren half dress which made her gulp. She walked over and dapped the cloth on her wound. A knock on the door caused Camila to look at Lauren.

"Princess, your parents will have to cancel lunch, will that be a problem?" Michael asked.

"No." Camila said still staring Lauren in the eyes.

"Okay, I'll be on my way." He said leaving.

Lauren grabbed her waist and smashed her lips into hers making her kiss back almost immediately. She dropped the cloth and climbed on top of Lauren.

Lauren got up and laid Camila on her back, good thing the door was lock. Lauren kissed her neck before kissing every spot until she found her sweet spot. This was until a knock on the door again caused them to freeze.

Lauren got off of Camila as she fixed her dress and picked up the cloth.

"Yes?" Camila called.

"Oh you are in here, all we heard were a scream, are you okay?" Normani asked.

"Yes, and you can come in." Camila said walking to the bathroom as they opened the door to be shocked to see Lauren half naked.

"Do I wanna know?" Dinah asked.

Lauren removed the cloth to show the gash making their eyes widen.

"The hell happen to you?" Normani asked.

"Wolf attack." Camila said unrolling the bandages.

"Well, I'm hungry and they cancelled lunch." Lauren said.

"Really? That's why we came here to inform you that lunch is ready lunch." Dinah said making Camila look at Lauren.

"That bitch." Lauren muttered.

"Uh, we'll be down. Just give us a minute." Camila said and they nodded before leaving.

"What was he trying to do?" Lauren asked.

"I don't know, but let me bandage that." Camila said wrapping it around her waist.

When she finished Lauren got up.

"Camila?" Lauren called getting her attention and Lauren kissed her again which she smiled after.

"Let's go." Camila said leaving with Lauren following behind while putting on a new shirt.

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