Chapter 4

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"I was wondering what was taking you so long." Sinu said.

"Lauren and I was attacked by a wolf and I had to clean up the wound." Camila said taking a seat next to Normani as Lauren took the seat next to her.

"A wolf?" Alejandro asked.

"Yeah, but my green eyes hero took it down." Camila said and Lauren put her arms on the table.

"Wow, that's shocking." Sinu said.

"Yeah, I was surprised myself." Camila said.

"That's better than what anyone has done in this castle." Alejandro said making everyone look at them.

"Now, I don't know about that sir." Lauren said scratching the back of her head.

"What do you mean? No one has ever stopped a wolf from attacking let alone you saving her in the process, it would be nice to have you as a knight here, but Camila's personal one." Alejandro said causing Camila to widen her eyes as Lauren felt everyone's eyes on them.

"Can I have a personal one too?" Normani asked.

"Sure, Dinah can be it." Alejandro said making Dinah to look at Lauren.

"Wait, are y'all for real because we are actually 17, well about to turn 17 and she about to turn 18, but like we're young." Dinah said.

"We can trust you around them, so this also means you loving into the castle." Sinu said.

"Do what now?" Camila asked.

"You heard me, if they take this offer than they'll be moving in with us." Sinu said.

"Uh, you know what, I'll do it." Lauren said making Alejandro smile widely.

"Great! You can start tomorrow. Dinah?" Alejandro asked.

"Yeah, since Lauren agreed to it by all means, I'm in." Dinah said and Alejandro clapped his hands.

"Yes, now for lunch." He said.

"You are too happy about this." Sinu said.

"I'm happy because I'll be busy setting up on how they'll knight them." Alejandro said.

"Oh, like the sword." Sinu said.

"Yes." Alejandro confirmed and she nodded.

"Well we never assigned anyone to them. Make it special." Sinu said.

"Okay, I will." Michael said.

So Normani is like their daughter and she does live in the castle because she was sent to when her kingdom went to war.

As they eat, the guards felt awkward, except one. Michael. Michael was pissed and he even left while punching the wall.

"At least it's someone k can trust." Camila said hugging Lauren.

"Trust is powerful." Lauren said.

"Well you saved my life to be able to trust you anyway." Camila said.

"Ah, okay Princess." Lauren said.

"I hope this won't be awkward." Dinah mumbled to Normani said.

"Everything is going to be fine, you'll just be by me and I can deal with that." Normani said interlocking their hands.

"Ha, okay." Dinah said as they got into a conversation.

"See, it makes it better because y'all are already close to eachother." Sinu said as Camila scrunched her face.

"Ha, don't mess around with them, they will take it seriously." Alejandro said.

"We'll have people go back and grab your clothes." Sinu said.

"Uh, no thanks. We got it and we'll be back in a minute. We don't want them to scare my mother." Dinah said and Lauren nodded.

"Oh, y'all live together?" Alejandro asked.

"Yep." They said.

"Why aren't you living with your father?" Alejandro asked.

"Because he's always here and never home." Lauren lied and they nodded.

"Wow, they are oblivious." Camila said in her ear.

"Yeah, I wonder where you get that from now." Lauren joked making Camila hit her on the arm.

"Jerk." Camila said.

"Well save the trip, how about y'all go after lunch?" Sinu asked.

"Sure." Dinah said.

"That wouldn't be a problem." Lauren said.

"Take them with you, they need to get out anyway." Alejandro said and the girls jumped up.

"Can we go now?" Normani asked.

"Sure." Sinu said and they took off running.

Lauren and Dinah chased after them. They helped them on the horses and got on their self.

"Ready?" Dinah asked and Normani nodded.

"Hold on tightly." Lauren said and Camila wrapped her arms around Lauren.

They took off and the girls squealed.

"Alright buddy, let's see how fast you can go." Lauren said as the horse started sprinted down through the dirt path.

"Man, these horses are awesome!" Dinah said.

"There's the house." Lauren said as they turned the corner, all the citizens looked at them and their eyes widened.

Dinah mother, Milika came out and was shocked.

"Hi Momma!" Dinah said getting off the brown and white horse as she helped Normani off as well, Lauren did the same with Camila.

"Hello Dinah and Lauren, give Momma a hug." She said opening her arms and they gave her a hug.

"We did it!" Dinah jumped.

"I see, why are the princesses here?" She asked.

"Because the Queen wanted them to accompany us." Lauren said.

"Well come in, ignore the younger kids." She said, the kids wasn't hesitant to hug Lauren and Dinah.

"Regina said I was ugly." Chris said.

"No, Chris said I wasn't pretty enough to be a model.

"Jesus, how about some biscuits?" She asked and they jumped up and down.

"Pick me up." Taylor said and Lauren did.

"Well, why are y'all so back early anyway?" Regina asked.

"Because we are moving out." Dinah said.

"You what?" Milika asked.

"Yeah, we were offered to be the princesses personal knights." Lauren said.

"The princesses?" Chris asked.

"Yeah, them." Dinah said as they waved making Regina and Chris scream.

"They are more beautiful in person!" Regina said.

"My God, they are like goddesses." Chris said as they looked up at them.

"Thank you, Chris." Camila said kissing his forehead.

"I'm going faint." Chris said.

"Lucky, may I get a kiss?" Regina asked and Normani picked her up to kiss her on the cheek.

"Wow, did they just steal our girl?" Dinah asked.

"I think they did." Lauren said and Dinah laughed.

"Ha, and you admitted that she's your girl." Dinah said as Lauren rolled her eyes.

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