Alien Zombies O.o

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HEY!! this is gonna be the first of hopefully MANY stories this weekend!! (I'm trying to spam ya'll with awesomeness while i can XD) hehehe.... This is dedicated to Niallers princess13 because orginally i was gonna post a sound clip of me singing Live While We're Young.... but then im all like NO I WILL NOT POST THAT CRAZY ASS BITCH!! (i have very interesting arguments with my self when im sick XD haha) and that most likely wouldn't have happened if I had posted when i was gonna at first (last weekend before i got sick...) buuuttt if you all wanna hear me sing I will do a redo when i get fully better :3 (My voice still sounds horrid DX) I tried to post the pic of my One Direction Cosplay buuut Wattpad and Photobucket are being a bitch.. soo i'll probably just put the link on my profile :/

Haha NOW on to the story!! I PROMISE this is about when Chipmunk got me soo screwed cuz I HAD to get a date for this thing so she wouldn't get in trouble -_- Long story short she didn't even end up going and me RYDE and BATMANMONSTER hung out the whoole day... but this is about when i was trying to get Kandy to come....

.............................................................................Almost there.............................................................................

Kandy: O_O you gonna let me sleep in yo bed tonight?

Angelz: O.O wah?? I said this was a ‘date’ not a date o.O #confused

Kandy: I’m gonna be scared like hell!! I’m sleeping in my room tonight!

Angelz: Hahaha tru tru (I was freaking out last night just thinking bout it)… would yo ma let you sleep over?

Kandy: …. I don’t know because tomorrow I gotta go like at 9 in the morning to go to this college fair thing…

Angelz: O… then probably not :/

Kandy:  Yea ik but I can always sleep with her :D… If she lets me go…

Angelz-: Hahaha…. Hmmm thats tru… N she won’t let you see it if you tell her what it is… But if you don’t you gotta sleep alone….

Kandy: Yea like forreal if I said im going to see the possession she’d turn the car around in the middle of the road lol… who taking you to see it?

Angelz: FORREAL!! Hahahaha #yourmother…. Chipmunk… She kinda made it where I cant get out too -_-

Kandy: Lol okay okay figures

Angelz: Lolz yea… but the thing is ma anit even ask her normal questions and im thinking “o.O who the hell are you and what did you do with my mother?????!!!!!!”

Kandy: My mom hasn’t been either… like when I went with DAB she didn’t even ask what kind of party I went to or who I was going to meet at the mall O_O

Angelz: Dafuq o.O… Aliens have replaced our moms o.O

Kandy: Yes O_O

Angelz: Where you think they took them? O.O

Kandy: They already ate their brains -_-

Angelz: Tru tru…. #Alienzombies

Kandy: Hahahah wow

Angelz: well what other aliens eat brains O.O


How this ended with AlienZombies I have NO idea... but i hope you liked :3

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