How my REAL friends cheered me up ~Kandy~

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This is after she found out what happened, she immediately steered clear of any conversation dealing with it and instead engaged in a convo about Invader Zim and her secret identity.


Kandy- I’m gonna havfta kill you now (A.N.- after finding out about her secret identity)

Angelz- O.O….. Nah

Kandy- Cuz if dib was bottom he’d havfta be all cute and shit *throwing up* (A.N.- this was a previous conversation about Invader Zim :3)

Angelz- Hahahah true true

Kandy- Ohh that’s right I’m supposed to be killing you =_= *sound of a kantana being pulled out* O3O NOW YOU DIE!!!!

Angelz- Ducks behind tree… Peeks out glaring* Bring it on bitch -_-

Kandy- *does a bunch of unnecessary sword moves then smirks* >:D Gladly!

Angelz- *pulls out throwing stars  from nowhere holding them between fingers and hooks kantana to hip* Bring it

Kandy- *Dodges and rolls into a bush pulls out mini daggers throws three while you’re distracted. I take a swipe at chu but you move and I only cut some of your hair* COWARD!!!! Take your death like a woMAN! >:O

Angelz- You wish WOAHman (A.N.- reference from Destiny’s calling :)) -_- *throws three stars that land directly around your head* just getting started *winks while messing with nails* you’ll pay for messing up my hair

Kandy- You’ll rue the day DUDE! *takes another swipe then a flying kick I miss then, but does a very cool flip off the wall landing in a crouching position* O_O that was close I could’ve have fallen. You alright? *smirks* It doesn’t matter cause you’re about to be finished *our swords meet (does that sound perverted to you?)* CLANG!

Angelz- Hahahaha NEVER!! *spins sword around and pushes yours to the ground… Spins around grabs another sword and holds them in and ‘x’ at your nick* -_- your move

Kandy- Ahhh!!!!! Jerk you put me in a messy situation =_= *twisting a little causing blades to kick my skin, blood flows* Shit! *I jerk my elbow in your right kidney causing you to go down on one knee * Ahh how sweet, but I’m afraid I can’t accept because you’re about to *is about to bring kantana down onyour neck* DIE! *Sword just hits the ground* stay STILL!!!

Angelz- *you hear a voice above you* awn to bad and I had it all planned out too…. *sigh* t so sk tsk… and we could’ve been so HAPPY (angry yell) *swings down from tree holding on with legs, swings sword where your head was but hits nothing and loses balance… Flips before falling and lands in a crouch* this would be easier if you’d stay still!! *Pushes hair from face* I don’t have all day -_-

Kandy- >:D Did you could kill me so easily?! HA! *swings kantana but you weren’t expecting, I knick your shoulder* >:) looks like somebody’s getting slow

Angelz- Fuck you! *winces but swings blade… Ends up too low and you jump over it… I bring it back up and slash you across the chest but just rips your shirt*

Kandy-  Aww *pouts* I really like this shirt! Come on! *throws a mini blade at chu half-heartedly and of course it misses. I try to check the damage on my shirt* well just great it can’t be fixed *glares* now you owe me two things do you know what they are? >:(

Angelz- Boobs and a shirt??? *amused smile* shouldn’t that come in one???? *tilts head*

Kandy- =_= bitch no a new shirt and your life

Angelz- hahahaha well can’t get you a new shirt if I’m dead sooo… Yea :D *cheeky smile*

Kandy- -_- I didn’t think of that *puts sword in holster* let’s get my then I’ll kill you :3

Angelz- You sure you don’t want boobs with that??? Hehehe man or girl???

Kandy- Jerkface you’re pushing your luck =_= you’re more injured than me

Angelz- :D….. but you’re the one that put your weapon away!!! *grabs your kantana from holster, holds them to your neck and uses knee to pin you to the wall* amateur *rolls eyes*



Anit she awesome?.... strange but awesome no less.

This one is also dedicated to FluffyBunny because she's going through a tough time right now and is in need of some cheering up so i gave her the funniest and stupidest way I got cheered up... Hopes it helps cause your brain is an evil master mind :)

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