Why we wake up at two o'clock in the morning and fight about stupid shit

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Just a warning... this is definately the weirdest..... for now... but not the weirdest convo we've had


Angelz- I’m mad at you…. How could you chose tonight to go to bed early -_- grr You lucky I gotta get up in the morning

Kandy- I’m not sleep… You crazy or something!!

Angelz- Hahahah…. Of course but I had to say something :P

Kandy- My phone was on the floor and I didn’t want to get it… It kept going off, pissing me off so I had to see what was going on-_-

Angelz- Hahaha… that’s why you loves me though :)) and hey I anit ask my nana to hog the computer…. Infact she just got back on (A.N.-this was the night before she got sick…)


Angelz- WHATEVER!!! Do you know how many times I was interrupted on my last chappie?

Kandy- Who cares -_-…. NOT ME :D

Angelz- So I don’t care what part you on :D

Kandy- YOU. BITCH. =_=

Angelz- Touché

Kandy- =_= I hate you. I really do with all that’s left of my soul

Angelz- Nice…. You hear that?? No? Well that’s the sound of me not caring

Kandy- You. Bitch. =_= I know what. I know you hear something but I smell something and it smells like… jerkfaceyomama >:D

Angelz-WTF wow… Can you spell lame?? NO?? Eh well me neither…. Besides you love my mama lolz :)

Kandy- =_=… I do, but no chu. Ya bitch!

Angelz- Hahaha :))

Kandy- Hahahah… lol even though I’m so pissed at chu right now you should put this convo on wattpad as like in a book called random funny ass shit (A.N.- Now you see where the name came from :)) and call this convo Why we up at two fucking o’clock in the morning fighting about stupid shit

Angelz- :)) IKR!!!! I was just thinking that!!

Kandy- Hahaha I bet that it’ll get a lot of WTFs haha cause that was stupid… How it even start? o_O

Angelz- sure will…. ‘Cause I’m being whinny and waiting on you to finish

Kandy- Shut up =_= you interrupted me and your chapters are so GD long!!! YESSH!! It takes a long time!! You should ask me to do shit like this when I wake up cause I really am asleep right now. -_- When I get up in the morning I probably won’t remember talking to you… soooo Yah :D (A.N.- some friend/editor right? -_-)

Angelz- Hehe whatever people love long chappies and that’s gonna be two… So whatever

Kandy- Ya so… I don’t like them unless I’m IDK… I just don’t like to know… But where is the mpreg in your story I’m use to people getting straight to the point… I got no patience

Angelz-Ugh, that’s the other one… the one I start tomorrow and it will be more to the point

Kandy- :( I don’t like you give me explanations. I don’t like you period =_= how we friends…. I bet you used some evil type shit on me. I bet you say to me in my sleep that you gonna chop my boobs off (A.N.- not my fault!!! That time she made me angry… and anyways I made Harry say it too :))… ‘cause that’s just mean O_O… And I bet you told me to jump off that cliff in my dream =_= (A.N.- another story for another time… trust me)

Angelz- Hahaha I have no idea… but I don’t want your boobs and I don’t visit dreams… your’s anyways… It was that dude of whoever

Kandy- =_= you’re lying!!! He loved me you liar!!! I don’t believe you!! I bet you want my boobs ‘cause I don’t need your help!! I found the le sexy word and now you want my BOOBS!!! O_O

Angelz- Go to bed crazy ass… See if he really loves you

Kandy- *tears streaming down face and gets into the bed* I will!!! He loves me!! I tell ya he does!!! I’ll jump off a billion cliffs if he asks me!!! BITCH!! You’re jealous that’s all!! YOUR JUST JEALOUS FIND YO OWN!!!

Angelz- Yea yea yea… I don’t need one that tells me to kill myself *rolls eyes*

Kandy- =_= jealousy is a nasty trait. Yah know what? Ask your peeps they’ll agree with me and jump off the cliff just you see  =_= (A.N.- see I told you she was being a bitch and said you’d jump!! I bet you anit believe me -_-)

Angelz- Fine lets see then cuz I got plenty waiting to read -_-…. Bitch

Kandy- =_= bitch yeah we’ll see…THAT I’M RIGHT!! Hmpf I know it >:D

Kandy- post so you can hurry and ask. I’m reading something else. I’ll read this in the morning ‘cause really I feel high as shit and I’m itchy… My clothes are to clean -_- the wash stuff irritates my skin and stuff ughhhhh!!!

Angelz- Sure sure… Hurry up and read so I can post -_-

Kandy- Yes they will :D… ‘Cause I did!!! I’m allergic to everything!! Even the clothes themselves make me itchy. My own sweat causing me to break out, it sucks. Everything gotta be hypoallergenic and shit. Dust, ugggh. My dad’s house is soo dusty!! Ugh I hate new houses

Angelz- Have fun… But they anit gonna say they wanna jump off a cliff -_-… Tell your mom you’re allergic…. Pssh you wish… Try the clear stuff and you suck cause new houses rock!!!

Kandy- I know :D… New houses are dusty :( and make me snezzy and you know how I get killer hiccups… Well sneezing is worse. God I hate sneezing… I swear some of my brains come out

Angelz- I think that’s true too… but old houses are worse

Kandy- I havfta pee but don’t feel like getting up -_- do you think somebody would notice if I just…. You know… did

Anglz- Umm I think so…


I told you this was the weirdest one :)) lolz... this one is dedicated to Izhazcookiez because I love both Gracie and James!!! they are awesome, but i havn't talked to them in a while.. hmm lol idk

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