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Ok... before you read this, this is gonna sound really reallly weird, but me and Kandy (You know her as KandyKillerWriter :)) are really close and have known each other since fifth grade. So the things we do seem weird but are normal for us.... Oh and before you read this and the others we are straight (as far as we know lol..) so don't get any ideas *glares* lol :P


Kandy- I need a le sexy time word for big boobs:/

Angelz- Leo’s song- I always get what I want by Avril Lavigne

*few seconds later*

Angelz- hahaha wow… You can’t find one?

Kandy- WAH??? What does that have to do with boobs >:(

Angelz- NOTHING!!!! Hahaha WTF

Kandy- I NEED BOOBS!!! GOD you’re no help what so ever

Angelz- Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha!!!!!!! WTF!!!! I’ll help when I get home!! I anit got internet :-/

Kandy- Help with what? I really need boobs Angelz O_O

Angelz- LMFAO!!!!!!!! OMGz!!!!!!!! WTF!!!! Do you need ‘em now cause if not I’ll help you later when I get on the computer

Kandy- NOW!!! I need boobs NOW!! :( *pouts*

Kandy- -_- give me til eight -_-


Angelz- Hahahahahahahahahahaha!!!! Just tell me how to find it

Kandy- boobs idk

Angelz- -_- wow

Kandy- *pouts* and you’re supposed to be the smart one

Angelz- Idk how to find le sexy time words!!!!

Kandy- *starts crying* I don’t either!!!!!!

Angelz- OHMIGOSH!!!! *throws hands up dramatically*

Kandy- *wipes tears away and glares* You’re stupid!!!! That’s why >:(….. Jerk can’t even find boobs =_=

Angelz- Neither can you!!!! I anit even start yet!! Btw try looking down -_-

Kandy- =_= I’m gonna finish my le sexy time incest scene then do the Justin Biebs on XD!!!!!

Angelz- TOTAL FANTOSUMNESS!!!! Hurry up cause I wanna read… Now I gotta finish my chappie :))

Kandy- Bitch =_= stop talking to me and let me get back to my fantasy le sexy time cuz this chappie’s gonna be funny Tehe :3 one word caramel corn. Weeellll…. Two words :3

Angelz- Hahahaha…. Have fun

Kandy- I am… OMG… Is it bad to get off on your own writing?

Angelz- Hahahahahahah!!!! Yes!!... but it’s happened..

Kandy- What??

Angelz- Nothing!!! :3

Kandy- Okayyyy

Angelz- Lol…. You brought it up :)

Kandy- Whateva

Angelz- :3


OK...... Kinda akward but yea.... thats us :)) lolz what'd you think?? I'm dedicating this to paintingtheworldgray because i feel like it :) oh and she made my day when she said she was gonna update soon :)) so you can thank her for this weird experience too!!!

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