I Love You Too

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You instantly snap out of your thoughts when you see Tony waving his hand in front of your face, you're very good at getting lost in thought.


You blink a couple of times to clear your mind and remind yourself where you are, what's currently happening.

"Sorry," you spit out as you turn your attention back to the suit.

"So, what do you think?"

You're still at a loss for words, the suit is too impressive.

You turn back to Tony and smile.

"This is more than I could have ever imagined Mr. Stark, thank you so much for all of this."

He smiles and throws his arms open as if to say 'What can I say?' and that just happens to be what he says next.

"What can I say? I've designed a lot of suits," you laugh and gesture to the suit filled room around you.

"I never would've guessed," you say sarcastically as you and Tony both laugh.

Out of nowhere 'Hollaback Girl' by Gwen Stefani starts playing which causes you to jump backwards.

Tony chuckles and reaches into his pocket to pull out his phone.

"This' Stark" he says into the phone as he answers.

You don't want to be rude so you excuse yourself and walk back down the hall of suits. You pace back and forth for a few minutes, waiting to see if Tony will join you; he doesn't.

Just as you turn towards the elevator to leave you hear Tony call your name from behind you, you stop and wait for him to reach you. He jogs over and presses his hand to the scanner to open the elevator doors.

"Sorry about that," Tony says as you both step into the elevator.

"No no, it's okay," you say. You have so many questions as to how the suit works, when he designed it, and what it does; but you don't say anything because you don't want to overwhelm him with questions.

This time, Tony presses a different button on the elevator wall *F3* Floor Three. It takes less than a minute before the elevator doors open again, Tony's busy texting someone, so you stay quiet.

As you step out of the elevator you notice someone standing in front of you, your mom.

"Hey sweetie," she says as she puts her hand on your shoulder and flashes you a warm smile.

"Hey," you say and then turn around to face Tony. "Thanks for everything that you've done for me today Tony,"

He looks up from his phone for a moment to answer you. "No problem kid. Get some sleep because you've got a lot to do tomorrow." He says over his shoulder as he disappears around a corner. You turn back towards your mom and you both start walking in the direction of your room.

"So, how was today?" She asks you as she gently rubs your back.

"It was... hectic," you say laughing.

"I would assume so. Are you tired?"

Funny how she asked that right as you began to yawn.

"Just a little," you laugh.

You and your mom make small talk on the four minute walk back to your bedroom. She tells you that Happy's taking her back to the city tonight for work purposes, but she'll be back in a few days to see you. She tells you to call her if anything happens or if you get homesick, which you already are.

Once the two of you reach the door to your room, you turn to hug her goodbye.

"You're sure that you're going to be okay here by yourself?"

"Mom, I'm with the most powerful people in the world here, I'll be fine," you reassure her as you open the door to your room. You're trying more to convince yourself that it's going to be okay than her, and you know that she can tell.

"I guess that's true." She says as she plays with one of your curls. "Alright, well I guess I should head out. Call me if you need anything okay?"


"I love you Scarlet Annabelle," she says as she kisses the top of your forehead.

"I love you too mom, I'll see you soon."

With that you close your bedroom door and flop onto your bed, wow it's been a long day.

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