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"Okay... I mean, that's really cool, but, how does this have anything to do with my dad?" You question, your voice quivers as you speak. Is there really a chance that you might be able to find him? What would you even say? 'Hey, I dunno if you knew that I existed but my name's Scarlet and I'm your daughter'.

"What did you say his name was again?" Peter asks you.

"Well, from what I've been told it's Donald Blake," you answer.

"I've heard the name Donald Blake before while I was at Tony's house," Peter says, you look up at him.

"Really? you think that Tony Stark, the Tony Stark, might know my dad?" you ask.

"Yes, and I think that they might have worked together too,"

"What do you mean?"

"You said that your dad worked for a group that helped protect the world, maybe like the Avengers?" Peter offers.

"There's no way in hell that I'm the offspring of an Avenger," you laugh.

"But you said that the stories that you've heard about him make him sound like he's extraterrestrial, not from Earth. And you said that his death didn't add up, which, it didn't," Peter sighs.

Hearing this, you look down at your hands for a moment, waiting to see if anything happens; nothing does. You sigh and look at Peter.

"If mr. stark can really lead me to my dad..." you mumble.

"What's wrong?" Peter asks you.

You throw your hands up in desperation and let them fall back to your sides. "Peter I don't even know if i want to meet my dad! He obviously has no intentions of meeting me," you sigh.

"Scarlet, I've been through a lot of pain and loss too but, if there was even the slightest chance that I could get any of those people back... I dunno, I think I'd definitely take that chance," Peter says.

You fiddle with your hands, bite your lip, and take a deep breath in before responding.

"Okay, you're right. We should look for him, and thank you for helping me," You add.

Peter smiles, and you smile back. But before you can say anything, Peter's gaze quickly fixes onto something behind you, he turns pale.

"What?" you ask him with a small laugh, looking around behind you to try and find what he's looking at, he doesn't respond. Instead, he grabs your wrist and forcefully pulls you the opposite direction, and starts walking really quickly.

"Peter," you mumble as you try to wiggle out of his grip. He answer, doesn't stop walking, and grips your wrist tighter.

"Let me go!" you yell as you rip your hand out of his grip. He begins to reach for your wrist again but you smack his hand away before he can grab you.

"Okay, before you literally drag someone you have to tell them why!" you exclaim. "Why are you walking so fast?" you impatiently ask him with a not so friendly tone.

"Scarlet listen to me, if you want there to be any possibility of finding your dad, you need to follow me, now," he says.

You've never heard Peter talk like this before, you've never seen him this serious. Peter grabs your wrist again and this time you let him. He brings you into a dark alleyway behind Wells Fargo and begins to y'all very quietly.
"What is happening?" you whisper scream.

"Listen, you've gotta stay right here and stay here until I come back. There are some people out on the street that are out for me and, clearly, they've found me," He sighs.

"What?" you whisper scream again, you're panicking.

"But if they see you, they'll come for you too. Don't draw any attention to yourself," he says hurriedly as he unzips his backpack that's seemingly come from no where.

"Um, no. I'm not a disney princess. I'm not going to stay here while you-"
Peter pulls something out of his backpack and begins to take his shirt off. You quickly turn around and laugh. "Okay, Peter, I've only known you for two days. Anyways, I'm not going to let you go fight by yourself, you're outnumbered! Plus, I might be able to help," you say. "Peter?" you ask when you don't hear a reply. As you turn around, the only thing left where peter had been standing is his clothes.
"Shit," you mumble to yourself as you peek your head around the corner of the alleyway wall. To your surprise, you don't see anything.

Idiotically, but cautiously, you step out of the alleyway to look around. Right as you step out you hear gunshots coming from beside you.
"Shit shit shit shit!" you yell as you jump back into the alleyway and begin to run.

You run faster than you've ever run before, your shoes almost sliding off of your feet after every step. You can't see much of anything, so you're just running through a long, dark alleyway.

As you begin to near the end of the alleyway to exit, you trip over what seems to be a cardboard box. Before you have time to put your hands out to break your fall, you hit the ground and blackout.

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