Big Debut

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After taking a long, much need shower and drying off you walk back into your room to grab your clothes.

It took you fifteen minutes, but you've decided to wear a red and white striped top with black jean overalls and red low top converse. It's casual, but nice.

Once you're dressed, you walk into your bathroom. Since you've never been in here, you have no idea where anything is. It takes you a few minutes to poke around through the drawers but eventually you find a bag full of makeup, a hair straightener and curler, hair ties, a hair brush and basic hygiene products.

You decide to do a sort of half up half down hairstyle with a braid at the top, your hair always looks better when you do something with it.

The bathroom is too quiet so you go grab your phone off your nightstand and browse through Spotify until you find your favorite playlist. You hit shuffle play and Young Blood blares through the small crappy speakers on your phone.

After you've finished doing your hair and makeup, you slide your phone into your back pocket and walk out out of your bathroom.

Despite the mess that you've already made in your bedroom, it still looks really nice. You grab your phone and check the time *6:13 pm*, 17 minutes until you need to be back in the main room.

You turn and close your door and begin to walk, but something catches your eye.

As you turn around you see a young woman, maybe in her early 20's, walk out of one of the rooms.

You're not sure what to say to her so you pretend that you don't see her and wait for her to notice you.

You stand by your door for a minute, waiting for her to notice you.

It's a little awkward but you don't feel like walking up to her.

She turns around after a minute and looks at you, tears are streaming down her face.

Before you can say or do anything she does some weird magical thingy with her hands and disappears back into one of the rooms, that was weird.

After that encounter, you assume that not everyone here is going to be an outgoing social butterfly.

You walk across the open room and out the big white double doors and into the hallway.

There aren't very many walls, just windows; windows for walls.

You walk down the big hallway for the third time today and look around, some sections of the floor are made of glass so you can see beneath.

There is one area where you see a bunch of people working on robots on the floor below you, it's really cool.

You stop and crouch down to look at the robot production that is going on beneath you, this place is definitely like no other.

Seeing the robots makes you wonder what kind of attack will come next.

After a minute or two your legs start to get sore so you stand up.

As stand you notice someone standing in front of you, it's the girl that had been crying. You hadn't heard her approach you, it's like she just appeared out of nowhere.

She flashes you a small smile and extends her hand for you to shake.

"Sorry about that, I got a little wrapped up in my emotions back there," she says with a small laugh.

She has an accent that you don't really recognize, maybe... eastern European?

You shake her hand and smile back at her.

"Trust me, I understand," you laugh. "I'm Scarlet."

"Wanda," she says as she drops her hand and starts walking.

"I haven't seen you before,"

"Yeah, I-I'm new here"

"You're young too, what are your powers?"

"I um... I don't know yet," you rub the back of your neck uncomfortably.

She gives you a confused look.

"What?" you shrug. "I don't know what my powers are, I don't even know if I have any. But Tony thinks that eventually I'll be in some crazy situation and my so-called powers will make their big debut."

Wanda's quiet for a moment before speaking again.

"Why does Tony suspect that you have powers?"

"I'm a demigod's daughter"

"Oh," she says with a laugh, "I guess that would explain why."

"Yeah." There's an awkward silence between the two of you until you spot Natasha and Steve standing around with a few others, you successfully reached the main room without getting lost.

"Oh good, Scarlet there are some more people that I would like you to meet," Tony says as he walks over to you.

You push your loose curls behind your ear and walk over to a group of people.

You recognize your mom, Peter, Nat, and Steve, but none of the others.

"Hey I'm Sam," one of the men says as he flicks his hand in a waving motion.

"Scarlet," you say as you smile at him.

"And these two over here are Vision," Tony says as he points at a floating red human like figure, you're shocked at the sight but try to play it off like it's normal.

"Hi," you say

"Hello," he replies, he has the same English accent as you.

"And Rhodey," Tony finishes, the other man smiles at you.

"Nice to meet you," you say as you nod your head towards him.

Tony claps his hands together behind you which makes Peter jump, you laugh at his expense; he shoots you a look.

"Dinner anyone?" Tony asks from behind you.

"I could eat a cow," Sam says laughing as he and Tony start to walk down another hallway, you follow them along with everyone else.

You and Peter make your way towards each other.

"Hey," you say.

"Hey, how's your day been?"


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