"Did all your birthday wishes come true?"

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       Boarding the plane was a surprisingly quick process- since we were flying in the boys' private jet, the security check was fast and minimal, and we didn't have to wait to board or to take off. They explained to Madi and I that the only reason we had to be punctual with timing was because the jet was allotted a specific time that it was allowed to use the runway to take off, and it couldn't fly earlier or later than that. Apparently that's just the way the airport works it out. (a/n: I don't know if that's even true, I literally just made it up so if you happen to have ever ridden on a private jet and I'm wrong, don't yell at me. and also I'm not even sure if the boys really have a private jet. in any case, these are infinitesimal details lol. -m).

      Once we're on the plane, the boys all take their seats, out of habit, and Madi and I stand there and look at them, unsure of what to do. Ashton invites me to sit next to him, and Calum tells Madi to sit next to him.

       As we buckle up in preparation for taking off, Ashton begins to give me a summary of what to expect. "The plane ride is going to be pretty long, and you're going to go through a couple different timezones. When we get to Sydney, you'll probably be jet lagged for the first day or so, the best thing to do for that is to spend time out in the sun for most of the day when we get there. The four of us probably won't be as jet lagged as you and Madi will be, since you've never gone to a different timezone before. You probably won't be able to sleep tonight, just to warn you. Oh, and you'll probably get really bored really fast on this plane ride," He tells me.

      "Okay, thank you, Ash," I tell him with a smile, and then remember the questions that have been nagging at me since this morning. "So, how exactly did you orchestrate this?" Madi gives her assent, interested in the answer as well.

      "Well, the first step was taking your parent's phone numbers out of your phones when you weren't looking, and then the last morning I was here after Valentine's Day I talked to your parents about my idea for the trip, and Cal spoke to Madi's parents. They all said they thought it was a great opportunity for you, and that they would give it serious consideration. I left them my number, and they contacted me a few days later to say they decided to let you go, and I told them not to tell you because I wanted it to be a big surprise. We spent at least a week, maybe more trying to figure out how to surprise you, and then we finally came up with the idea of mailing you a shady looking envelope with the plane ticket and a little note so you'd understand. But we couldn't figure out how to make sure you got them before we got there and that you wouldn't open it until we got there, and we were explaining this dilemma to Alex during a songwriting session, and he volunteered to send you ominous texts, since neither of you have his number. So we had the envelopes overnighted from LA, and then we jumped on the plane to here. We told Alex to text you the day the envelopes should've gotten there, and find out if you got them, and he gave us the thumbs up. We told him when we got to your houses, so he could give you the go ahead and open your envelope. That was the text I accidentally sent you, Sadie. It was the signal for Alex to tell you to open your envelope. So I totally lied to you about it. And then I called your parents to tell them I was there, and I asked if it was okay to surprise you from outside your window, and they were like "sure!" so I tossed a couple little rocks. I was so scared I was going to break the window, you don't even understand," Ashton explains in detail. As I soak it all in, one detail sticks out in my mind.

      "Wait, Alex...? As in Alex Gaskarth from All Time Low?" I ask, skeptically, and then the realization hits me as Ashton begins to nod in response, "ALEX GASKARTH WAS TEXTING ME? WHY DIDN'T YOU TELL ME OH MY GOSH I LOVE HIM."

      "Wow Sadie, that hurts," says Ashton, pretending that his feelings are actually hurt.

      "Ashton, you know I love you," I scold him, "Alex is just one of my favorite band members."

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