"It probably won't make a difference to you, in your damn pajama jeans"

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            Let’s just say the car ride to the hotel was interesting, and Jimmy may or may not have wanted to dump us all on the side of the road somewhere. In my defense, it is not my fault that Luke threw his shoe at Michael. I never told him to do it… Okay, maybe I did, but it was only because they were arguing, and Michael called Luke “an ugly poop”. And then Luke was sort of mad, and I may or may not have suggested in his ear that he throw his shoe at Michael. And then of course a cat fight ensued.

            Yeah, it was pretty interesting.

            As we walk into the hotel room, I yawn, and then yell loudly, “I AM SO TIRED AND READY TO JUST LAY DOWN AND SLEEP.”

            “After your hour and a half long nap, you’re still exhausted?” Ashton chuckles, his dimples showing, just as huge and cute as ever.

            “It’s only midnight,” Calum teases.

            “I’m ready to just lay on a bed and fall asleep-“ I stop when I realize something. “Yeah, we have a small problem…”

            “And what is that?” Madi asks, confused.

            “We don’t have any pajamas…” I say simply.

            “Well, you could sleep in that, it doesn’t really matter that much,” Michael suggests.

            “No, we cannot. It probably won’t make a difference to you, in your damn pajama jeans, but sleeping in regular jeans is extremely uncomfortable,” I object, looking at all the boys.

            “Okay, I’m offended, we do not wear pajama jeans,” Luke says sassily.

            “No, we don’t!” Calum agrees.

            “Would you mind letting us borrow a pair?” Madi asks with a serious face, “we didn’t wear our pajama jeans today.”

            I burst into laughter, which earns me glares from the boys. “That wasn’t even funny!” Michael whines.

            “No, you can’t borrow a pair of my pajama jeans, because I DON’T OWN ANY DAMN PAJAMA JEANS.” Ashton says loudly.

            “Let’s be serious, though, what are we supposed to sleep in?” I ask, after taking a very deep breath.

            “You can borrow some clothes from us,” Calum suggests.

            “Okay,” Madi and I agree.

            ‘YEAH.” Ashton and Luke cheer, and then they start taking off their clothes. Well, just their shirts and pants, they leave their boxers on. Then they hold out their clothes to us. WOW, they look really good standing there in just their underwear. Just saying.

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