Sweet 16

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*1 Week and 3 Days Before Madi's Birthday*

       "Sadie, Sadie!" My best friend Madison yells to me, out of breath from running down the hallway.

      "Okay, slow down and take a deep breath," I chuckle, and once her breathing is normal, "okay, now tell me why you're so excited."

      "You know how on my sister's sixteenth birthday, she got to go to a Plain White T's concert? Well, I told my parents I wanted to do something special for my sweet sixteen, and they said  I could go to a concert. So they asked me who I wanted to see, and I said more than anything I want to see 5 Seconds of Summer. So they're going to try and get tickets to one of their concerts!" Madi says excitedly in one breath.

      "That's awesome! But how do you know that they'll be anywhere near us on your birthday?" I ask, raising my eyebrows.

      "Sadie, don't be negative. And I forgot to tell you the best part! They said that I can bring a friend! So I'm bringing you!" She exclaims.

       "Oh my gosh, Madi get out! We might be going to see 5SOS together? That's awesome!"


*1 Week Later; 3 Days Before Madi's Birthday*

        Madi and I walk into her house after school, it's Friday, and I'm spending the night, because we have nothing better to do on a perfectly cold Friday in January.

      "Madi? Is that you?" Madi's mother calls to us as we close the door and walk inside.

     "Yeah Mom, it's me and Sadie," Madi answers her.

     "Oh, well hi Sadie," She says to me with a smile when we walk into the kitchen.

      "Hi Mrs Tyler," I smile back.

      "Madi, don't go anywhere, we have something for you," her dad says, walking into the kitchen from the living room with a wrapped up box in his arms.

      "We kind of have to give you your birthday present early this year," Mrs Tyler explains, as Mr Tyler hands Madi the box, which is really big.

      "So Happy Birthday!" They say at the same time.

      Madi rips open the box, only to find that it's full of packing peanuts. "This seriously not a funny joke guys," she says angrily to her parents, as she absentmindedly digs through the peanuts. "Oh my God." She says suddenly, pulling something out of the box, and dropping the box on the ground. "Oh my God. Oh my God," She repeats over and over.

      "What is it, Madi?" I ask, trying to see what's in her hand.

      "2 tickets," she says, "to a 5 Seconds of Summer concert. In New York. On January 22."

      "That means...it's on your birthday!" I exclaim.

      We look at each other for a second, "AH!"

      "Wait, but there's only two.." Madi says, frowning.

      "Exactly. We could only get two, and we've already talked to Sadie's parents. We're dropping you off, but you're going to the concert by yourselves." Mrs. Tyler explains.

      We look at each other again, "AH!!!"


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