"It's official, if I date Luke or Michael, I will starve"

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              "Guys, I need your help!" I exclaim, bursting into the living room, "This is really serious and important!"

             "Whoa Sadie, calm down. What's wrong?" Calum asks from beside Madi.

            "I was talking to Ashton, and he got really...upset, and then he left. Do you know where he could've gone? I need to go find him," I explain to them urgently. 

           "He's probably playing the drums. That's what he does when he gets upset," Michael tells me.

           I look at him for a second, "Okay, and where exactly are his drums?" I ask, trying not to sound sassy but it comes out sounding that way anyway.

           "They're probably at the arena where tomorrow's show is," Luke replies. The boys have one last show very close to where Madi and I live. I believe they're leaving the day after the show.

           I raise my eyebrows at him in confusion, "So on the stage in the arena?"

          "Yep," Calum responds, "and the doors should be unlocked."

          "Okay, thank you. I'll be back soon, guys, and I'll text you when I find him," I tell them, grabbing my car keys from my school bag, which is lying on the floor.

            "Alright, be careful, Sadie," Madi says with a reassuring smile.

            "Good luck, Sadie. You've got this," Calum says with a wink, giving me a reassuring smile as well.

           "Yeah, go get him, Sadie!" Michael grins at me.

           "What they said!" Luke adds.

           I laugh, "Thanks guys. I'll be back," I tell them, leaving the room. I put on my scarf, coat, and favorite pair of leather boots, and I'm out the door. I hop in my car and drive into town, where the huge arena is. Madi's parents didn't get her tickets to this show because 1) the New York show was on her birthday and that seemed more exciting and 2) as well as the show here being more expensive and sold out, the show in New York had better seats for cheaper.

           The drive to the arena is only about ten minutes. I don't even bother putting on any music; the thoughts running around my head are enough to keep me preoccupied. When I pull into the arena's parking lot, I see the boys' rental car, and immediately know that he is here. I sit in my parked car for a solid five minutes, debating on whether to go in the front door or the back door. I decide to go in the door I would go in if I were going to the concert as a fan. I walk in, the door is unlocked as Calum said it would be, and I walk through the empty lobby and into the empty arena full of empty seats. The only sounds are Ashton's drum playing and the heels of my boots on the floor. He doesn't see me until I'm ten rows from the stage.

             I don't even notice that he's noticed me until the sound of the drums stops and the only sound I hear is my heels on clicking against the hard floor. When I notice this, I look up at him, and he says, "Sadie?" with a confused look on his face.

             "Ashton," I say, "hi."

             "Why are you here? How did you know I would be here?" He asks, the look of confusion still on his face.

             I laugh slightly, "The boys said they had a feeling that you would be here. And I'm here because I have to tell you something."

              "What do you need to tell me?" He asks, raising his eyebrows at me, and getting up from his drum kit and walking over to the edge of the stage.

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