"At least you're stuck on a bus with four hot Australians."

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            Madi and I watch the concert from a spot just backstage where we can see the boys, and the boys can see us, but the audience can’t see us. We sing and dance to their music, laughing and enjoying the concert, the boys smiling at us every once in a while. I’m lost in thought, thinking about how to solve my situation.

            What am I supposed to do? Even if Ashton did have feelings for me, I can’t just find out that Michael and Luke like me and then run off with their best friend. It just seems wrong. And obviously there’s no way that Ashton shares my feelings, but I don’t share Michael and Luke’s feelings, not the way I feel about Ashton at least. I’m going to be completely honest, they are two very attractive boys; the kind of good-looking boys that you look at and immediately have a crush on them. All four of them are that kind of attractive. But I’ve actually gotten to know Ashton in the past few days, a lot more than I’ve gotten to know the others. And once you get to know someone who you already find attractive…well, it all goes down hill from there.

            They’re finishing up Mrs All American when I finally come back to reality, and I let a smile spread across my face when the boys look at Madi and I. They introduce Try Hard as the next song, and begin to play it.

            Madi and I laugh and sing along. When Calum sings, “I play guitar, but she’s into drummers,” Luke and Michael turn and glare at Ashton. I assume that they’re just doing it for the audience’s enjoyment, and joking around, but then Ashton’s eyes lock with mine.

            And he smiles, then winks at me. That’s when I realize, they’re not joking, they really think I’m into Ashton…and they’re not wrong. The audience is still under the impression that it was a joke, and Madi didn’t notice Ashton wink at me. I smile back at him quickly, and then laugh with Madi at their idiocy.

            A few songs later, the boys say goodnight to the crowd, and exit the stage. I let out a yawn; it’s about ten at night.

            “Hiii, ladies!” Michael grins as they come off stage.

            “That was awesome!” Calum exclaims, attempting to give Madi a hug, but she wrinkles her nose at how sweaty he is.

            “DID WE ROCK OR WHAT?” Ashton asks loudly and full of energy.

            “Yes, Ashton, you did a very good job spastically beating drums with sticks and making weird faces,” I tease him, giggling slightly.

            “Everyone fancies the lead singer,” Luke smirks, referring to the fact that most girls generally favor him.

            “Except for those who prefer the drummer,” Calum points out with a grin, and Ashton chokes on the water he’s drinking.

            “Or those who are all about that bass,” Michael says, “like our dear friend, Madi.” He wiggles his eyebrows at her.

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