"Ashton's afraid of the dark."

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            “I’m going to go to the bathroom, I’ll be right back,” Madi says, walking into the bathroom.

            I turn to Calum. “Cal, is that good enough for you, she wasn’t jealous.”

            “The only way to know for sure is if you act like you like me, and if she gets jealous, then she likes me,” Calum says.

            “No, I’m sorry, Calum, but I can’t do that,” I say.

            “Why not? You were fine pretending to like me,” Michael points out.

            “Because I can’t do that to my best friend,” I answer.

            “You really think she likes me, don’t you?” Calum asks, raising an eyebrow at me, causing his forehead to crinkle in the most adorable way.

            “I really do,” I smile at him, just as Madi comes out of the bathroom.

            “Sadie, can I talk to you alone for a second?” Ashton asks me quietly.

            “Oh, sure,” I reply, taken off guard. Does he know what happened between Luke and I? Oh my God, he can’t know. This is not good. Ashton grabs my hand, and drags me away from everyone else, into the other room. “So…what’s wrong?”

            He frowns, “You didn’t call me baby.”

            “Is that the reason you wanted to talk to me, or do you mean just now…?” I ask, a bit confused.

            “Just now, in your last sentence, you didn’t call me baby,” He clarifies, frowning again. It’s so adorable, can he please stop?

            “Oh, I’m sorry, baby, “ I chuckle, smiling at him, and he smiles at me, his dimples showing, “so, what’s up?”

            “Sadie,” He says, inhaling deeply, the smile falling off his face, “did you make out with Luke while we were gone?”

            What. No, Ashton can’t know, this is bad, this is really bad. “Um…what makes you think that?”

            “Well, his hair is really messy, but I mean messy like someone was running their fingers through it; someone who’s not him. And then, when Calum asked you how sitting on the couch with Luke was, you and Luke looked at each other, and you looked like you were trying not to laugh. And finally,” He takes a deep breath for effect, “when you told Calum it was boring Luke winked at you when he though no one was looking...except I was looking.”

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