"We might be going to Australia! Like where kangaroos live!"

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                When I wake up in the morning, Calum is still lying next to me in the bed, but he's halfway hanging off of it. I giggle quietly to myself, and nudge his shoulder gently. "Cal! Calum! Wake up before you fall out of be-" 

                 He wakes up before I can finish my sentence, "What is it Sadie-" When he moves to face me, he falls out of the bed and lands on the floor with a loud thump.

                I burst into laughter, trying to be quiet and stop laughing at the same time, "Oh my god, Calum I am so sorry, I did not mean for that to happen...I was trying to wake you up so that you wouldn't fall off."

               "It's okay, but I can only forgive you if you stop laughi-" Calum stops suddenly when we both hear the sound of footsteps walking down the hallway towards us.

               "Calum," I whisper urgently to him, "move closer to the other bed so it looks like you fell out of it instead of mine. Hurry." Calum quickly rolls across the floor and has just stopped about two feet away from the extra bed when the door to my bedroom opens and Luke walks in.

               "What is going on in here?" Luke asks, looking barely awake. He looks from me to Calum on the floor, his face showing confusion.

                "Calum fell out of bed and I laughed at him," I explain simply to Luke.

               "Are you sure?" Luke asks, narrowing his eyes in suspicion. I can kind of see how he would be suspicious. Calum is a bit far away from the bed, and I am laying very close to the opposite edge of my bed, leaving enough room for another person (where Cal previously was).

              "What else could have happened?" Calum asks, rubbing his elbow, still on the floor, but he is now laying on his back.

              "You know what I think happened? I think you were in Sadie's bed, and you fell out, so Sadie laughed. And then you heard me coming and tried to move to the other side of the room, but you weren't quite fast enough," Luke says, smirking at us.

              "Luke, it's not what it looks like-" I start, but Calum cuts me off.

              "She was upset about Ash and needed advice, so I was explaining to her that you have Allison and you don't really like her, so she can guiltlessly tell Ashton how she feels," Calum says, smirking right back at Luke.

              "Well, yes, I like Allison, but-" Luke starts, but then stops, unsure of what to say.

             "Luke, if you tell anyone about this, I'll tell Allison that you found someone else," Calum says evilly to him.

              Luke's blue eyes grow large, "No, please don't do that! I won't tell anyone, I promise," Luke gives in quickly.

               "Good," Calum grins smugly at him from still on the floor.

                "Well, I'm gonna go back to the other boys. See you at breakfast," Luke says awkwardly, leaving the room quickly.

                 Calum gets up from the floor, still rubbing his elbow, "I love him to death, but sometimes I just want to smack him upside his head," He says under his breath.

                  I laugh, "It's okay, Cal. Let's go get breakfast," I suggest. I adjust my sweatpants and make sure my t-shirt doesn't look too revealing or anything while Calum smoothes his hair into place. When we're both ready to go downstairs, we leave my bedroom and walk downstairs together, running into Michael and Ash in the hallway. They're just leaving the guest room.

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