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a/n: this was written on my phone so sorry in advance if the chapter layout is weird and that this is on the short side.  i chose to include facebook conversations because it was easy and fast to write as opposed to a normal chapter which takes 1-2 hours of my time. plus, i find that it resumes and touches base on a bunch of things i didn't know how to include in a chapter. this will probably be the only chapter in this format so yeah..  also, don't forget to vote and comment-i really appreciate it :)


Saturday, 9:40 p.m.

Kara: Okay, so I might have been somewhat overly mean earlier today so I just wanted to apologise for that.

Seen by you at 9:40 p.m.

Kara: But seriously Jay, you can't give her the money.

Seen by you at 9:41 p.m.

Kara: Idk, she just gives off this bad vibe, is all.

Seen by you at 9:42 p.m

Kara: Jay, come on. Stop ignoring me. Talk to me. I'm your friend.

Seen by you at 9:45 p.m.


Sunday, 7:21 a.m.

Eleanor: I'm going into the city in two weeks. Do you have my money?

Jaïya: No.

Eleanor: ???!!

Jaïya: Almost. Do you need me to come with you to your appointment?

Eleanor: No. I'll manage. Just get me the money by next Friday.

Seen by you at 7:24 a.m.


Sunday, 6:56 p.m.

Patrick: Hey.

Jaïya: Hi.

Patrick: What's up?

Jaïya: Nothing much, you?

Patrick: English essay for tomorrow + trigonometry exercices. It'll probably take me all night.

Jaïya: Don't worry, you'll do well. You always do.

Patrick: Mhm. Hey, can I ask you a question?

Jaïya: Sure, shoot.

Patrick: You don't have to answer if you don't want to though.

Jaïya: Okay...

Patrick: Are you and Kara friends now?

Jaïya: What do you mean?

Patrick: Like, do you tell her things?

Jaïya: Things?

Patrick: Yeah, like personal things.

Jaïya: Like what? Why are you even asking me this?

Patrick: Idk, she told me she was worried about you and that I should talk to you because you were ignoring her and I didn't even know you guys were friends again. When did that happen?

Jaïya: It didn't. Obviously she was just playing with you.

Patrick: Yeah...Hey, do you have anything to do at lunch tomorrow?

Jaïya: Not that I can think of. Why?

Patrick: Well, I don't have anything eitheir and I was thinking we could eat together since we haven't done that in a while? I can wait for you at your locker tomorrow.

Seen by you at 7:20 p.m.

Patrick: What do you think?

Seen by you at 7:33 p.m.

Patrick: Jay?

Patrick: Alright, we'll talk tomorrow. Good night.

what did you think of jay ignoring kara? of kara contacting patrick? did you like the whole facebook format? yes, no? post your opinion below! (lol that rhymes)

anyhoo, vote if you want a Païya (jay + pat) moment next chapter.

comment if you think kara should allow jay to make her own choices/mistakes. also, if you don't want their newfound friendship to end (or if you just want to cyber-yell at me for being a slow updater. that works too, haha.)

and (drumroll, please) fan if you laughed AT LEAST ONCE while reading this über-long author's note (that i know half of you won't even read till the end. lol)

Amanda xo

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 20, 2014 ⏰

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