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Dear Diary,

Since today was a Friday, Patrick and I decided to head to the mall after school. We didn't really do much-in fact we couldn't really do much since the sales people in every store took one look at our backpacks and decided we were there to stuff their overpriced clothes in our bags and make a run for it. One girl in Macy's actually followed us around, clearly indicating that we weren't welcome. 

I didn't really mind though since it wasn't like I was actually planning on buying anything but the sales girl's attitude really got to Patrick. When we got out of the store, he kept muttering about how it was an invasion of our privacy and how we should complain to her manager.

I just smiled, because at this point, I was pretty used to his antics. All talk, but little to no action-he had the makes of the perfect politician. That probably explained why he was in charge of the student council.

Anyway, after our failed shopping attempt, we made our way to the Jamba Juice in the food court. I ordered a mango smoothie while he asked for some calorie-filled chocolate concoction.

When I offered my money to the cashier, he waved my hand away and insisted on paying for my drink. I thought it was sweet but the cashier just looked unbelievably bored so I said, "It's okay, I can handle it."

"Nope. It's on me. Besides, I dragged you here so it's the least I could do." He extended his hand to the cashier.

"It's okay, really. You don't have to."

He laughed. "Gee, you know I can afford a couple smoothies, right? Besides, I want to."

My voice rose without my consent as I slapped his hand away, and handed the cashier the exact change. "Well I don't want you to!"

Something in him seemed to break in that instant. It was in his eyes. They glazed over with something I didn't recognize and his jaw clenched as he payed for his own drink and walked away without a word. I grabbed my smoothie and chased after him. It was hard trying to keep up with him and making sure my drink didn't spill all over me but at this point, I didn't care if I looked like a fool. The only thing that mattered right then was that I didn't lose my only friend over something as silly and trivial as food.

"Pat! Wait up!"

He kept going. We were now outside in the mall parking lot, sunlight pressing down on us although it was almost five o'clock. Sunshine rays scattered across his black hair, bringing out its dark chocolate undertones, as he ran a hand trough it and sped up.

"Look, I'm sorry. I don't know why I reacted that way."

Finally, he spun around, his narrowed eyes like two shards of ice. "Well, that makes two of us."

The way he was looking at me, like I was the one at fault here made my skin prickle with white-hot anger, but also something else. Shame, I think. I don't know why I felt that way; I just did. All I know is that at that moment there was a volcano of emotions bubbling at the pit of my stomach and threatening to erupt at any second.

"What?" Patrick barked and only then did I realize I'd been staring at him.

"Nothing," I said, feeling my eyes burn with the familiarity of tears.

"Crap," he said, seeing my face slowly crumbling. "I'm sorry, Jay."

He draped his arm around me in an awkward side-hug and I buried my head in his shoulder. I'd known him for ten years, been friends with him for four years and yet we'd never been this close. I could clearly see the sparse freckles on his nose. "No, I'm sorry. I don't know why I yelled at you." 

"That's okay, I was being stupid."

I pulled away and looked up at him. "Yeah, you kind of were."

This made him chuckle.

"I'm sorry about your shirt," I said sheepishly. The place where I'd been resting my head just seconds before was now replaced by a wet puddle.

"Stop apologizing."

"Stop creating situations where I have to."

"You're impossible, you know that right?" he sighed, but I knew he was teasing by the way the corners of his lips were tugged upwards.

Happily, Jaïya


Hi guys! Yet another update! It's sort of a filler chapter but also not, so you decide!

I actually just noticed that I should be putting dates so this diary thing seems more coherent so I'll probably come back after I finish this book and add them while editing :)

Other than that, Pause, Replay has reached #103 in Short Story!

Thank you so much guys!

Vote if you want me to update faster!

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Amanda xo

Pause, ReplayOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora