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(Y/N)'s P.O.V.

The very next night Tobias had arrived again, around the same time as the previous night.

"Hey you're back." I greeted.

"Always." He smiled.

I let him in and we both sat down on the couch.

"So, what do you wanna do?" I asked him.

"Well since you're asking, I'd really like to listen to music with you in your room again."

When we walked into my room I let Tobias choose a record as I went to lay on the bed.

"Love Gun again? You must really love that album."

"Heh, yeah it's actually the first record I ever owned." He informed me.


While we were laying in my bed Tobias had taken my hand and began to play with my fingers and putting my hand against his as if making a comparison.

"What are you doing?" My question accompanied by a slight chuckle of amusement.

"Nothing, I just like playing with your hands." He stated "I also think it's cute how much smaller your hands are than mine."

He then intertwined our fingers and held our hands on his chest.

I was blushing but luckily Tobias was too busy looking at the ceiling to notice.

At that moment 'And Then She Kissed Me' came on, which Tobias then said "This song means quite a lot to me."

There was a slight pause until he continued "It makes me think of someone who I wish I could say those things to, someone I'd like to have those moments with."

"That's sweet, Tobias."

He let out a sigh and then scooted up closer to me; his eyes still on the ceiling.

Eventually I felt my eyes get heavy until I fell asleep all together, Tobias still next to me.

The next morning I woke up and felt something on the end of my nose. I couldn't make out what it was, but I didn't feel like opening my eyes yet.
That was until I felt slight breathing hit my upper lip.

I finally opened my eyes and saw what my nose was touching.

The tip of my nose was pressed against Tobias's. I also noticed the feeling of his arms being wrapped around my waist, holding my body against his.

'Well this is awkward.' I thought.

As I was thinking that I saw Tobias's eyes start to open, so I quickly shut mine.

I listened for his reaction to the position we were in and all I heard was a small sigh followed by "I wish I could kiss you right now but I can't."

I was a bit taken back by what he said but nonetheless I stayed quiet and pretneded to be asleep. The only thing visable on the outside of my body that gave away me hearing his confession was the deep blush I felt growing on my face.

'Please don't notice, please don't notice.'


'Crap, he noticed.'

"Are you awake?"

I blinked my eyes open a few times a few seconds after he said that and pretened to be awakened by him.

"Huh?" I said in a groggy tone.

"Oh, nothing."

His face was now a good distance away from mine but he was still holding me.

"How did you sleep?"


"Me too... Wait, what time is it?" He let go of me and sat up quickly.

"It's nearly 10:30." I said looking over at my clock.

"Shit. Shit, shit, shit!" He muttered to himself.

"Is everything okay?"

"Yes, but I have to go now (Y/N)." He said while getting off of the bed.

He rushed to put on his shoes and jacket and then headed downstairs towards the door.

He was in such a rush that he walked out the door with out saying goodbye, only to realize a few steps later and came running back. He gave me a quick hug and said goodbye before kissing me on the cheek and running off again.

I closed the front door and it took a moment for it to hit me.

Did he just kiss me on the cheek?

Maybe since he was in such a rush, he didn't notice when he did it.

I shrugged it off and left it at that.

~Tobias's P.O.V~

I practically ran the whole way back to the church which helped me save 5 minutes on my trip. If Papa Nihil found out I left the church, I don't think he'd really care but I know one thing he would care about is me being late.

Papa Nihil had arranged for me to meet some elders of the church and me being late for that would make him extremely angry.

When I made it back, there was no use in climbing in through my window. I walked through the main entrance and made my way to the library.

As soon as I walked in, I saw Papa Nihil standing next to a man and a woman.

"Ah, Tobias you're right on time."

"Hello Papa, sir, ma'am."

"Are you sweating?" Papa raised an eyebrow.

"Oh yeah, it's probably the jacket."

"Alright, well anyway Tobias this is father Markus and sister Alesana. They've been members of the church for over twenty years and have always been by our side when needed.
When you become Papa they will be your right hand Man and Women."

I shook both of their hands and greeted them politely.

We were all in the library for a little while, as Papa Nihil wanted me to get to know the couple a bit.

Eventually I was dismissed back to my room but shortly after arriving there I realized I forgot my jacket.

I walked back to the library and as I entered I happened to over hear their conversation.

"I'm telling you guys, you should definitely bring your daughter to the Church of Ghost. She is always welcome." I heard Papa Nihil say.

"We are really considering it, I mean we're never there for her. She's always alone in that house with out us." Sister Alesana expressed.

"I regret not bringing her at a younger age. How would she even process this?" Father Markus added.

"I'm positive she'll understand." Papa Nihil assured them "Tobias? What are you doing back?"

"I forgot my jacket, sorry to intrude."
I got my jacket and then headed back to my room.


Later that day Papa Nihil came into my room and told me that I didn't have to stay for a whole week after all and that I was able to go home.

A Nameless Ghoul dropped me off at my house and as soon as I walked inside I greeted Sister Imperater and  went straight to my room to lay in my bed.

It felt so good to be back in my room and knowing that I didn't have to walk 45 minutes to see (Y/N) anymore.

That's when I remembered what I did before I left her house. I subconsciously gave her a kiss on the cheek and didn't realize it until now.

Maybe she feels weird about, maybe she doesn't.

I'll see how she feels next time I go see her.

A/N: Hey guys, sorry I haven't updated in a while but I'm back...again! Right quick, I'd like to thank you guys for reading, commenting and voting it really means a lot.

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