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The rest of the school week had gone by and it was now Friday. The week was pretty strange to say the least, Lita and James weren't as talkative around me and were acting really weird. As for Tobias, he hasn't been to school since monday and that was also the last time I spoke to him.

While I was skating home I kept wondering what was up with everybody, things seemed so weird and different.

When I was almost home I approached the alley I used as a short cut. I stepped off of my board and started walking through the grassy path. As I was making my way through, I could feel eyes on me the entire time. I kept looking back and forth and all around like some paranoid pot dealer.

There was no one else in sight but I couldn't shake the feeling that I was being watched.

Once I got home I went to my room to change and get comfortable. For the remainder of the day and into the night I sat on the couch and watched Television, snacking on some chips here and there.

Around midnight I started dosing off so I decided to call it a night. I made my way to my room and got ready for bed.


My eyes shot open to see darkness. I looked over at my clock-radio to see that it was 2:54 A.M.
Then I heard it...

Three still taps on the glass of my window.

My heart started racing and I began to panic. The mixture of not knowing what that was and then being home alone equaled an ultimate fear experience for me.

Then I heard a ghostly voice whisper "(Y/N)..." outside of the window.

I sat up on my bed and just as I looked over towards the window the moon peeked out from the clouds and the moonlight revealed a figure that was sitting outside my window.
After seeing the figure I instantly felt better and my then racing heart had began to calm down.

I'd know that silhouette anywhere, just by seeing the shadow I could easily make out the person.

I walked towards the window and opened it up to stick my head out.

"You scared the fuck out of me dip shit." I chuckled at Tobias.

"Heh, good. That's what I was aiming for." He smirked.

"Well where ya been man? You get sick or something?"

"No uh, it's complicated..." He trailed off "but I missed my favorite punk rock buddy so I came to say hi, sorry if I woke you."

"It's okay, but why did you choose right now to pay me a visit?"

"Because I wanted to show you something cool and it's only cool at this time of night." He smiled but for some reason the look in his eyes made my heart melt and my cheeks heat up. He looked so cute and I could feel my heartbeat speed up again, but this time for a different reason.

Hold on... Am I admitting to myself that I find Tobias... Attractive?

"So are you willing to go on another bike ride with me tonight?" Tobias asked, snapping me out of my thoughts.

"Uh yeah sure, but where are we going?"

"It's a secret, but don't worry I'm not trying to kill you or anything... Or am I? Ooooo" he moved his hands mimicking a stereotypical ghost.

I laughed at his silliness "Okay man I trust you."

"Okay but here's the thing, we're gonna have to get on the highway."

I stayed silent but in my head I thought "Ugh not again".

"Don't be a wuss, just hold onto me. I promise you'll be okay." He picked up my hand that was resting on my window sill and held it in his. "I won't let you fall off okay?"

Why Me? (Tobias Forge)Where stories live. Discover now