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The following day I went and found James and Lita at the smoker's section and sat down in front of them.

"Oh hey, (y/n). I'm surprised you're not hanging with your new buddy, Mary." Lita sarcastically remarked.

"Can I talk to you guys... about something in private?"

"Depends, is it like TMI stuff?" James asked.

"No no, nothing like that. It's just something I wanna discuss with you two."

James and Lita looked at each other, shrugged and then nodded.

We all got up and walked to the back of the school.

"Okay so what is it? Do you want some advice on how to kiss your new boyfriend?" Lita teased again.

"No- I said it wasn't TMI stuff!"

"So he IS your boyfriend!?" Lita gasped.

"No. Look, I know about the two of you guys, okay?"

"What are you getting at?" James raised an eyebrow.

"The" I looked around to make sure no one else was in ear shot and then continued to whisper "Church of Ghost."

They both looked at each other again and then back at me "What?"

"The church of Ghost, look it's a long story but-" I was cut off.

"Look, we don't know what that is or what kind of drugs you're on. But we have to go to class, so we'll see you around. That is if you're not busy with your boyfriend." Lita pulled James along as they walked towards the front of the building.

They seemed more upset than confused. Judging by the defensive tone, it was clear they knew what I was talking about.


The topic of "The Church Of Ghost" flooded my mind through out the day. It played as a distraction through out my classes and I was more spaced out than usual. As I was getting my book for math class, I closed the door to my locker to reveal a figure standing before me.

"Ah, geez... you scared me again." I half chuckled "Sorry, I wasn't expecting to see you."

"Did you forget I go to school here too?" He smirked as he leaned against the locker next to mine.

"I guess." I shrugged "Sorry, I've just been thinking about, well, you know."

"Yeah, I know and you don't have to keep apologizing by the way." He assured me.

I looked up at him then looked to the floor with a blush on my face. I was so busy trying to think about my decision, that I had managed to forget that I kissed Tobias yesterday. Had it not been for this whole Ghost thing, the kiss would have been the thing heavy on my mind.

"Do you wanna go back to the watch tower later and think some more?"

"Actually I kinda don't wanna think about it. It's been on my mind so much that I don't want the thought in my head anymore." I admitted.

"Well then do you want to do something else after school?"

"Like what?"

"Go for a ride?"

"Where?" I asked.

"It'll be a surprise."  He smirked.

"Alright then."

"I'll see you then." He winked before walking away.

A/N: An update! A short update but finally an update!

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