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When my eyes opened the first thing they saw was my clock radio reading 9:52 A.M. I yawned as I realized I had missed my alarm today. Then I remembered the guest I had sleeping next to me, whom I suppose also slept through the alarm.

When I looked over at him I saw that he was still sound asleep. I couldn't help but notice the slight grin on his face, he must've been having a nice dream.

I got up from my bed and went to brush my teeth. By the time I got back, Tobias was now sitting up. Mid-yawn, bed head and looking half asleep.

"Morning." he greeted.


"Did we miss school?" He asked, mid-yawn again.

"Yeah, we over slept by about 2 hours." I informed him.

"Oh. Ah who cares, we're not even there half the time anyway." He shrugged.

"Yeah, well how'd you sleep?" I asked while walking towards the bed.

"I slept pretty great actually. Thank you (Y/N)."

"Really? Sleeping here helped?"

"More than you think. I told you, I feel very at peace when I'm in your presence."

I nodded and stayed silent, I still wasn't sure how to respond to that.

Tobias cleared his throat, which caught my attention. "Well I guess I'd better get out of your hair now."

"It's alright Tobbe, you don't bug me." I assured him.

"I really hope not." He gave a nervous chuckle "but I better get home."

I nodded as he proceeded to get out of bed and put his shoes and his jacket on.

I walked him out but before I closed the door he stopped me.

"Thank you again for letting me stay with you last night, (Y/N)."

"Of course Tobbe, anytime."

"I know last night wasn't much but, the time we spent meant a lot to me." He gave me a genuine smile as he waited for me to respond.

It took me a few seconds to respond but by then the smile he had fell a little.

"Okay well uh, I'll see you later (Y/N)." He went in for a hug as usual, but this hug was tighter and seemed more meaningful.

Tobias's P.O.V

"Please get the hint (Y/N), please." I thought as I was hugging her.


(Y/N)'s P.O.V.

After Tobias left I went back to lay in my bed. I felt bad having not acknowledged the last thing he said, I just didn't know how to respond to such a sweet thing.

It was becoming clear to me that I was developing feelings for Tobias but none that I'd ever want to share with him.

Tobias's P.O.V.

"Tobias, you're home early. Well, come on Papa Nihil is here to see you again."
Sister Imperater greeted me as soon as I walked in the house.

I followed her into the kitchen and sat down across from Papa Nihil. "Hello Papa."

"Hello Tobias, are you ready to go today?"

"Go where?"

"To the church again. There's still so much you've got to learn. Your brothers will be guiding you through it."

"Uh, if you don't mind me asking Papa, how long will I be gone this time?"

"I'd say about a week or so, why?"

"No reason." My frown unintentionally noticeable.

"It's that girl you've been hanging around with isn't it?" Sister imperater spoke up.

"Girl?" Papa Nihil questioned her.

"He's taken a liking to an outsider of the church." Sister informed him.

"Ah I see, well don't let that distract you boy. Now come, we must go at once."

"Yes Papa."


When I arrived at the church I was greeted by a few sisters of sin and some Nameless Ghouls and Ghoulettes. But there was a sister and a ghoul not so happy to see me, as usual.

I followed Papa Nihil down the long hallway to meet up with my brothers in the church's library.

The time spent in the library was just reading and looking through books while my brothers explained things to me. That was pretty much it, but we were in there for a few hours.

Once I was dismissed I made my way to the room that I'd be staying in while I'm here. On my way to my room I felt as if i was being followed.

"What do you want James? Lita?" I turned around, giving them both a questioning look.

"You already know what I want Tobias. But that's not what I'd like to talk about right now."

"Well go on and tell me what you'd like to talk about, I'm all ears."

"You know what this is about."

"I do?" I raised an eyebrow.

"You always have to take EVERYTHING from me. I can't have ANYTHING because as soon as 'the son of Nihil' sees it he has to have it."

"What are you talking about?"

"(Y/N). I made friends with her the first day she got to our school and as soon as you saw her hanging out with Lita and me; Of course YOU come in and try to befriend her yourself."

"So what? She can't be friends with all three of us?"

"It's not that, it's the fact that you only want to be her friend because she was my friend first."

"Oh, you could not be further from the truth." I sighed.

"What? You're trying to fuck her?"

"No, she's a close friend."

"A close friend? Really? Because last time I checked she was complaining about how much you annoyed her and was trying to get away from you."

"Cool. Well we're friends now and I'm done with this conversation." I walked away and made it to my room. I laid on the bed and thought about last night and this morning with (y/n). I missed laying in bed with her by my side.

I probably won't be getting much sleep here with out her.

Then it hit me.

Papa said I had to stay at the church for a week or so, but he never said I couldn't step out for some fresh air.

Why Me? (Tobias Forge)Where stories live. Discover now