Due Day

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Tamaki was at a meeting with his father as they were discussing important business.
His phone starts to vibrate as he nervously apologised to the table, but when he saw the doctors number he stood up and ran to the corner of the room.

"Hello!?" He answers in panic.
"Hello Mr Suoh we walked into your room to check your wife's status and found she had gone into labor" the doctor says.

"WHAT!!" Tamaki and his dad who was listening in yell.

The limo went as fast as it possibly could down the road as they arrive at the estate and Tamaki rushes upstairs towards your room tripping more than once on the way as the door flies nearly off his hinges as he opens it.

You lie there on your bed your chest rising and falling covered in sweat and pale as you smile weakly.

"Hey hon" he whispers as he walks over "I'm so sorry I got here as quick as possible" he says crying.
"Shh it's ok Tamaki" you smile as he lays next to you.

"Mr and Mrs Suoh" the doctor smiles as you gasp sitting up and smile as your baby boy is placed into your arms.

He had his dads golden blonde hair small tuffs of it on his head and sparkling emerald eyes that blinked as he looked up at you both.

"God Y/N" Tamaki sobbed "that's ours" he cries "we made that" he cries.
"Y-yah" you sob as you look at Tamaki "do you wanna do the honours?" You smile.
"R-really?" He asks in shock as you nod.

He tears up more as he looks down at the now sleeping baby boy in your arms.

"Daiki" He says looking at him "Daiki Suoh" he announces as the doctors nod.

Your little Daiki.


Kyoya held your hand as you crushed it in yours screaming in pain as you glare at Kyoya who was actually very VERY afraid of you at the moment.

"Nearly there mam" the nurse says as you scream Kyoya wincing as he feels his fingers breaking.

And then there was a cry, Y/N's grip loosens as she falls backwards Kyoya looking over in awe.
Your baby, his baby, this beautiful little boy with black hair like his had barely showing on his tiny head and his crystal blue eyes the perfect colour as they scrunched up while he cries.

"Y/N" Kyoya smiles as he bends down and kisses your head as you sleep "sleep now dearest" he smiles proudly.

He turns and sees the doctor with a board.

"We need a name for the young Otori" he says smiling.

Kyoya looks at your and smiles as he brushes your hair.

"We both really liked Hajime" he smiles as you smile in your sleep "you heard the wife Hajime Otori" he smiles as the doctor nods and leaves.

Your and kyoya's little Otori one day you could tell he was gonna blow everyone away.


Hikaru, Kaoru and Mrs Hitachi burst into the room as you smile your dad holding a cloth to your forehead as you tried to fight sleep.

"Y/N!" Hikaru yells as he runs over "I'm so sorry love" he says leaning his head on yours.
"It's ok Hikaru I understand"'you smile.

Your husband was at a photo shoot on the other side of town when he got the call the baby was on its way, he immediately left and called Ranka who was closer to let him know.

The nurse smiles as she walks over and hands you the small bundle of orange blankets.

"He's" Hikaru couldn't even finish his sentence as he starred down at the little baby boy, his small amount of hair had an orangey tinge to it and his blue eyes shined with that classic Hitachi mischief.

Kaoru smiles staring at his nephew as Hikaru cries hugging you close.

"I love you I love him I" you cut him off smiling.
"Hiroyuki" You smile.
"What?" He asks.
"Hiroyuki Hitachi" you smile "gotta keep the H theme going" You smile as he laughs out a sob.
"God I love you both" he cries.

Your little ball of happiness Hiroyuki!


You were just about to pass out after what you had just been through that was understandable when you hear the door groan.

"Kaoru" you smile at your husband as he was finally aloud inside the room.

He runs over and hugs you as he kisses you the biggest smile on his lips.

"I love you" He smiles.
"You two" you yawn.

"Me Hitachi Mrs Hitachi here he is"

Kaoru gasps as his baby boy was placed in his arms, his Hitachi orange hair that was darker after he had been washed, his cheeky red eyes staining up at his dad.

He was gorgeous, simply perfect like his mom.

"Y/N" he smiles as you look up at him and your body tearful as you sob.
"He's gorgeous" You cry.

"Do you have a name?" The doctor asks as you look at Kaoru and nod.

"Really" he asks in awe as you nod and he smiles the hugest smile he's ever smiled "Kane Hitachi that's his name" he smiles as he rocks the babbling baby.

Kane your little golden boy.


Mitskuni paces as Takashi tries to keep him calm but knows it isn't working as every time a noise came from behind the door he looked over panicked and then continued.
He was called and let in as he runs, like sprints! Into the room to see his gorgeous wife with their tiny baby boy. His blonde hair and red eyes that shined.

"Y/N" he cries running over.
"Mitskuni" you smile as he leans down and kisses you.
"Gosh is that" he asks tearing.
"Mhm that's him, this is Kazuki Takashi Honeynozuka" you smile up at your husband who cries as you also hear his cousin crying by the door.


Mori had never been more afraid as he paced the halls of the dojo his hands in his hair.
He was in the middle of training when he saw nurses running in the direction of his room and he panicked.

The door opens and he walks in nervously as his eyes widen when he sees you with the little human in your arms his finger around yours the small humans small amounts of black hair and his beautiful silver eyes.

"Kioshi" Mori says.
"Hm oh Mori" you smile weakly.
"Kioshi" he says looking at your boy.
"Kioshi Morinozuka it is" you giggle.


He ran into the room as soon as he got there as he sees you asleep as the dojo's doctor motions him over towards him.

"Hello young master" the doctor says as Kasanoda sees what was behind him and politely moved him out of the way walking over to the crib and looks down at the baby boy.

The small red head looked so much like his dad with his red hair and eyes but his mother's smooth S/C skin and kind look in his eyes.

"This is mine" he cries "he's mine" he sobs more as he looks down "Takao Kasanoda" He announces.


Neko had never been happier than when he walked into that room and saw his beautiful wife who was two good for him holding their baby girl who was a little miracle.
She was born premature and was very small but she wasn't bad enough to be taken to hospital just a month early.

"Y/N" he whispers as he tip toes over.
"Umehito" you whisper as he walks over and smiles kissing you before looking down at his girls.

His beautiful daughter small amounts of black hair on her head and purple eyes that stared up at you both curiously.

"Oh god my heart Y/N" Neko cries holding his chest as you laugh.
"Ena meet your daddy, Umehito honey meet Ena Bel Nekozawa" you smile.

Ena, that's right this was his gift!

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