Two months

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Tamaki made a big deal out of finally learning the baby's gender, he smothered you with love which you were fine with since you didn't have mood swings but did have odd cravings.

"Come on my queen we must learn about my princess!" He demands.
"Tamaki" you laugh "what if its a boy?"
"Then he shall be my prince!" He demands a light in his eyes as he lay you on the bed and waited for the family doctor to arrive.

Before the doctor arrived Tamaki's dad did, he rushed to your side shoving Tamaki away who pouted.

"My darling daughter!" He squeals "your father has been told and he can't wait to see you when you fly back to Japan" he smiles as you giggle thinking of your dad.

Eventually the doctor arrived and Tamaki had kicked his dad out and sat on the bed with you his hand intertwined with yours as the doctor shows the screen to you.
You tear up as you hear Tamaki sob.

"It's a boy"


Kyoya had given you a private doctor who he demanded checked you recently, you didn't get bad mood swings but occasionally you would yell or cry and it made Kyoya laugh.
Today you were getting your scan and Kyoya hadn't left your side since you told him last night.
You insisted he could continue work but he said he needed to be there!

You smile as you lean against your husband who holds your hips ever so slightly feeling your growing bump as the doctor begins the scan before smiling.

"Congratulations Mr Otori another boy in the blood line" the doctor smiles

You gasp as you hear Kyoya choke back a sob as he stairs at the screen.


Hikaru was scared as shit when his mother had called the doctor in to give you a scan.
He was panicking like pacing back and forth panicked as the doctor scanned you.
But when the doctor showed the screen he stopped and stared with tears in his eyes.

"It's a boy"

"Oh my god Hikaru" you stutter as he cries into his hands.


He was the most excited you had ever seen him, well besides your dad and his mom who were crying in the corner.
They left before the doctor came since your dad and his mom got into a huge talk about clothes and the doctor arrived.
Kaoru sat beside you squeezing your hand as the doctor smiled showing the screen and Kaoru hugs you crying.

"A little baby boy" he smiles as Kaoru cries.


Honey being the little kid he is was already decorating the room for the baby, but learning the gender was about to make it a lot easier but he wasn't prepared for how happy he was when he saw the baby on the screen.
He bursts into tears his head in your shoulder.

"Another Honeynozuka boy" the doctor smiles proudly.


Mori was very calm he held you infront of him as the doctor did your scan but when he saw the small thing on the screen he teared up as did you.

"Another proud Morinozuka boy sir" the doctor says.


Neko was a little bit freaked out as he didn't know what to do while you were getting your scan hugging a excited Belzanef or Neko said he was excited at least.
The doctor smiles showing the photo on the screen as Neko freezes and walks over.

"Is that?" He asks.
"Yah that's them" You sob.

"She's a girl" the doctor smiles as Neko cries.


Kasa has been so busy with his father being sick and running the family dojo that you had the perfect surprise.
So when he burst into the room tears in his eyes a sobbing mess while showing the picture you laughed.

"It's a boy?" He cries as you nod before he hugs you crying "I missed the scan" he sobs into your chest as you laugh.

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