Wonderland's Great Mistake

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"Another war?!" the room erupted.

Alfred nodded his head gravely.

"This phenomenon that's befallen the White Kingdom . . . it's the same as when the Ancalagon first appeared," he explained. "And if he's awake, someone's hatred was strong enough to do it."

"Saber," Meredith said, gently but firm. "Are you sure you didn't form any ties in Red Kingdom? Ones that you might be bitter over now?"

"No! I swear!" she sobbed, her face awash in tears. "Oh God, is this all my fault?!"

"Don't cry, Saber," Ezra soothed.

"She ought to," Zephyr snapped anxiously. "We're all as good as dead!"

"Don't say that!" Raelen hissed, although he was clearly afraid, too.

"He's right," Katherine said in her same old monotonous voice. "Wonderland was wiped out by the Ancalagon when we were united. What kind of fight can we put up apart?"

"Everyone, cut it out!" Alfred snapped, combing his fingers through his hair. "We can't just . . . lie down and let it happen, can we?! Maybe he's not here yet! Maybe there's time."

"Time to do what, dear?" Meredith asked impatiently.

"We need Red Kingdom's help," he admitted, desperation all over his face. "We need to confront this, right now, before it's really too late."

"How are we going to get through that fog?" Ezra asked worriedly.

"Sorcerers," he replied resolutely, standing from his seat. "We'll call together all the sorcerers of White Kingdom and have them accompany us to Red Kingdom."

"With all due respect, Your Highness," Zyanya began, springing from her own seat. "I know I defeated the Ancalagon once before, but this? This is NOT the same as that time."

The room grew quiet as they watched the sentry's face drain of color.

"This . . . this presence that I felt back there," she described, her voice trembling, "it was so minatory, that I didn't even have to see the source of it to know that I never want to face it. Not in this life, the past, or the next."

"With all due respect, White Alice," Alfred spat back. "You'll be facing it, whether you're fighting with dignity, or cowering in fear. Pick your poison."

She lowered her head in defeat as he headed for the door. "We haven't a moment to spare. Let's get to it!"

Everyone hopped up and followed behind him. As Saber hastily wiped her tears, Meredith placed a hand on her just as Ezra did.

"We know you aren't the cause of this, Saber," Meredith whispered.

"But we need you to pull yourself together for this war," Ezra added. "Don't do it for Wonderland. Do it for the sake of finally going home."

Saber looked between the two women and managed a smile, nodding her head. One last fight wouldn't kill her.
Especially if Zain would be fighting beside her.


What the hell is going on, Ridosen?!" Elizabeth asked frantically. The whole Rose Estate was holed up in his biggest tea room, taking cover from the black fog, and all the monsters surrounding the property. Everyone was screaming questions at him, and he was about to fly off the handle when he glanced over at Zain.

He still couldn't believe that he was here. He'd stayed behind, just for him. It was the most bizarre, heartwarming thing anyone had ever done for him: give up their entire life to be with him. Looking at the man's hopeful, smiling face calmed him considerably, and his head was able to clear enough to address the crowd.

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