Mysterious Intentions

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The sun was beaming rather strong today. She didn't particularly like hats, but the weather permitted one; however pleasant the occasional breeze was, it just wasn't doing her precious skin any justice. She made sure to pick a cute one: wide brim, silk ribbon tied in a bow and spilling over the side. It turned out to be more useful than she thought. She wasn't getting nearly as much attention as she did on a daily basis.

Especially since that little incident with the royal adviser. The neighbors, whom normally spared no more than two glances in her direction, now regarded her with suspicion and unease. They kept a wide berth every time she headed their way, wondering if she would lash out or do something outrageous to them. That didn't really make a difference for her. She knew no one in the White Kingdom as personally as they knew each other, and she never cared for anyone long enough to consider them a friend of hers, so the more distance they kept between her and themselves suited her just fine.
It was just the way they stared. She was all for attention-that was not to be mistaken. But to gawk at her as if she were some kind of freak show; to push their children so drastically to the side so as not to make contact with her . . . Things like that infuriated her. She hadn't done anything wrong to anyone for as long as she lived here. Now she was to be alienated for standing up to that haughty bunny that wriggled out from under the King's feet?

She gripped the porcelain tea cup she was sipping from more tightly. The nerve of these insolent people. Couldn't they see whom the real victims were? Wasn't it obvious whom was really being oppressed?

A violent smile graced her face as she raised the cup to her lips, sipping delicately as her mind entertained all manner of depravity. There was no need to get worked up just yet. She had to patiently bide her time, and then they would all see the truth, whether their tiny little minds could comprehend it or not.
"It's about time you exposed yourself to the sun," a voice suddenly said behind her. She didn't flinch at all, knowing exactly who it was. She was uniquely fine tuned to his presence, and knew whenever he was near.

He rounded into her sight, a broad grin on his face as he pulled out the chair opposite to her and leaned back in it. She couldn't help the cheery smile that bloomed to her lips. He was so devastatingly handsome . . . "You're really pale, you know? You could stand for a tan."
"Are you trying to be funny?" she replied with a cock of her brow. "You're whiter than the White Kingdom itself." They both exploded into laughter, drawing the attention of nearby diners.

She immediately felt self conscious again. They were onto her now. No matter what disguise she put on, as long as they saw him, they knew who she was. She sucked her teeth in annoyance as she drew the cup to her lips again. He glanced around at all the ogling faces, their gazes quickly averting when they saw the promise of death twinkling in his gray eyes.
"Claudia," he growled lowly, his lips a snarl as his attention slowly returned to her. "Are you actually incognito?" A fierce blush came to her face quicker than she could react, and he exploded from his chair incredulously. "Who the hell are you hiding from?!"
"Shush, Erik!" she screeched in a loud whisper. "Sit down."
"What has gotten into you?" he barked, not bothering to lower his voice. They were really drawing attention now, and soon the staff would come see what the commotion was about. "This isn't like you, tiptoeing around the kingdom like some criminal. You look ridiculous."

He suddenly reached over and snatched the hat from her head, to which everyone around them gasped dramatically. For a long moment, they were frozen there, glaring at each other. She was fuming mad. Her vision was slowly clouding with white hot rage. She got it: he was doing this because he cared about her. He was always there, upholding her pride and dignity, and whoever dared to come between that was in big trouble with him. But sometimes, that sentiment was just too much, and he tended to cross boundaries a lot. Like now.
She slowly stood from her seat, her hands trembling as fire licked up and down her skin. They couldn't afford to cause a scene here. Taking a deep, cleansing breath, she took some money out of her coin sack, deposited it on the table, and turned to walk away from him. She also knew that deep down, Erik loved confrontation, and whenever she chose to walk away from him, it sent him into a blind fury.

That's why she made sure to steal around a corner, away from the prying eyes of the nosy citizens, before she allowed him to grab her from behind, spinning her hard into a wall. His grip was harsh and unyielding. Any other woman would have cried out in pain, but she set her teeth and glared a challenge into his livewire eyes.
"I asked you a question, Claudia," he hissed through gritted fangs, his panting breath stirring the hairs at the side of her face. "Don't ever walk away from me."

A taunting smile suddenly came to her lips, and that sent him into a higher frenzy. But she already knew what all this bravado was about. Yes, Erik's attitude was off the wall, and he was not the type of person you wanted to mess with in the slightest. But he never acted this way towards her. Erik was the polar opposite of what he appeared. He was actually a sweet, gentle, obedient servant of hers. There was only one explanation for his insubordination. 
"You look really intense right now," she giggled, and his eyes narrowed to slits at the mocking sound. "You trying to scare me? Hurt me?"
"Don't play with me, Claudia," he growled, the muscle in his jaw ticking in an irresistible way. 
"But don't you like when I play with you?" she whispered seductively, reaching down and gently cupping the bulging erection in his jeans. In her mind, she thanked the heavens that no one else had seen it. His massive gift barely fit in her dainty hand, and seeing it strain in his pants would strike fear into any and every heart.

He froze completely, his breathing stopping as she softly rubbed the raging organ. "All of this loud barking and rough housing. Isn't it just you begging me to touch you?" She squeezed him until he released her arms, placing his hands against the wall as he leaned into the crook of her neck. 
"It's been forever, you know? You're always neglecting me," he murmured pathetically, deeply inhaling the delicious scent of her skin. "I can't help it when I get like this . . ."
"Have you earned my attention, Erik?" she whispered in his ear, squeezing some more until he hissed in pain. "You're being a little selfish, don't you think? You know what I'm trying to accomplish here, and yet you insist on setting me back with all your insipid needs. You're not helping my cause."
"I'm trying, but I need incentive sometimes," he growled, his large hands rubbing over her buttocks before cupping her thighs, hefting them around his waist as he drove his cock into her pelvis. She cried out in surprise, the sensation shooting electricity through her. Okay . . . evidently, she had been neglecting her needs, as well.
"Release me," she demanded, although her voice was shaking. Deciding better not to test her, he set her back on her feet and stepped away from her. His look was resentful, but she grinned with understanding. "We're both a little stressed right now. I understand. But I need you to understand that . . . our desires aren't top priority," she said, coming to cup his face gently. "Rather, they're a means of celebrating the fruits of our labor. But only for now, okay? The sooner our mission is met, the sooner things can go back to normal for us."
"Claudia," he murmured, and she leaned up to gently kiss his lips. She already knew what he was going to say, and honestly, she was too terrified to consider it. She didn't have an answer for his fears. All they could do was hope for the best, right?
"I need you, Erik," she whispered passionately, kissing him again. "I can't do this without you. Stay focused. This will all be over soon."

He drew her into his arms and pressed her gently back into the wall, returning her fevered touch. Neither one of them had no idea if someone had possibly passed by and witnessed their embrace, or even if there was an audience gathering around now, but none of that matter to them. She had to admit, this really did help to cope with their currently reality. Maybe this was what Erik really needed? What they both needed?
No, she didn't need to cope. She needed to change this cruel fate. And she would. Her only consolation was that they hadn't seen that snooty rabbit and her friends lately. She couldn't be sure, but she hoped that meant something good. She would know soon enough. She was counting on it.
"Come," she breathed, finally breaking their unending kiss. "Let's go shopping. This sun is killer, and you'll get heat stroke in all of that fur."
"This is my fur," he huffed, allowing her to take his hand and tug him along. "I like it just fine."
"Hush, kitty," she grinned. "It's time for a grooming, and I don't want to hear anymore lip from you." It was silent after that, and her smile grew all the more wider. Her obedient little servant was back, and that was more relief than anything right now

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