The Red Kingdom

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The last leg of their journey was long and somber. Zain was relieved that there was no more of that suffocating smog strangling his airways and clouding his vision, but the burdensome feeling the forest emitted only grew heavier as they pressed forward.

Raelen trailed behind him and Saber, Katherine clinging to his arm in that possessive way of hers. The hatter didn't seem to mind her clingy nature, and it made him wonder what kind of relationship the two had together. They didn't give off the aura of lovers, friends, or even blood relatives. It was a little weird.

Zephyr floated along in a hazy cloud, seeming to have forgotten the doom and gloom of Eris' heart wrenching tale. In fact, besides the little spat he had with Ezra, nothing at all seemed to faze the feline. He was a total laid back jokester. But the aforementioned bunny was the complete opposite.

She appeared totally dejected, dragging her feet, ears drooping low, her expression utterly crestfallen. Zain glanced over to see Saber frowning helplessly at him. She clearly wanted him to do something. He couldn't think of anything to cheer her up, but he, too, hated to see her this way.

"Ezra," he said gently, resting a light hand on her shoulder. "Please don't worry. We're going to do everything possible to save King Jeremiah-to reunite Wonderland."

"That isn't possible, Zain," she replied bitterly, brushing his hand away. "Wonderland has been torn asunder for centuries. If they wanted to come back together . . . don't you think they would have done that already?"

"Actually, we have tried that before," Raelen informed, and he and Zephyr exchanged knowing looks. "It's what landed us in this forest in the first place. There really isn't any hope of Wonderland coming back together."

There was a long, mulling silence. The weight of despair in this place was crushing-even more so with his revelation.

"That's no way to look at it," Saber muttered. Her tone revealed her struggle to contain her indignation. Evidently, she was fed up with all the pessimism. "Is it so surprising that there would be such reluctance to reestablish connections after what's happened here? I don't agree with King Alfred banishing you here for wanting to be with the people you love, but you can understand his fear, can't you?"

She shook her head. "But we can show them that there's no need to be afraid. That people can learn from their mistakes. We can't lose hope yet!"

She grasped Ezra's shoulder. "Isn't there someone you lost in the separation? Don't you want to see the people you care about again? To see your home brought together in harmony?" Ezra didn't respond, or even acknowledge her touch. She remained stubbornly quiet as she walked on. Saber's hand slid dejectedly off her shoulder.

"Lay off it, guys," Zephyr sighed. "Believe it or not, Ezra is shockingly cynical. Once she sets her mind to something, there's no convincing her otherwise."

The rabbit made no move to berate Zephyr, confirming his statement. Zain and Saber lowered their heads, discouraged by her doubt.

"That's why it's up to you guys to prove her wrong," Zephyr suddenly added. They looked up to find the cat grinning at them. It was a sincere and hopeful one; one that told them that he believed in them. "You have to prove us all wrong, you hear me?"

Zain and Saber exchanged a look, their own optimistic smiles gracing their faces.

"Yes!" they shouted in unison.

"Freeze!" a chilling voice crashed in, and Ezra stopped short, spreading her arms and stopping the two of them in their tracks. No one moved a muscle as they heard loud and heavy footfalls, and the clang of what sounded like steel. The bushes rustled to their right, and Zain's heart was in his mouth as he anticipated what form of beast would emerge.

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