Orgy of Roses

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Explicit Sexual Content Ahead.

Jeremiah sent Zain and Saber on their way as soon as breakfast was finished. The man looked immensely sad to let them go, but he assured them that he enjoyed every second of their company, and that he hoped to see them again in the future. The two were much too heartbroken to tell the man that this would be their first and last meeting. That only made Zain want to fix Wonderland all the more.

Jeremiah was clearly lonely on this side, and Ophelia didn't seem to give a fig. In fact, they hadn't seen the woman since that spat in the wilderness. She was probably devising a sinister plan . . . whatever it was, he hoped they wouldn't have to be the ones to put a stop to it; especially after their performance the first time they crossed paths.

Jeremiah escorted them through the courtyard, and back to the utterly destroyed rose maze. He didn't seem at all upset at the state of it, and they were relieved they wouldn't have to navigate it themselves. The Bandersnatch came from among the trees, scaring him and Saber half to death, but once it made eye contact with them, it whimpered, lowering its head and keeping a wide berth as it tiptoed towards the castle.
"Well . . . I guess this is the final farewell," he said, giving them a large smile and extending his hand to them. They shook it in turn, returning his hopeful smile. "I'm not going to bother telling you to have a safe trip. You survived Ophelia herself; nothing in this kingdom is any match for the two of you."
"Thank you so much, Your Highness," Zain replied.
"That really means the world to us," Saber added.
"Please, call me Jeremiah," he insisted, placing a hand over his heart and bowing to them. "I have a feeling I'll see you again, so this isn't goodbye. Rather, until we meet again."

Zain and Saber exchanged looks, deciding to leave it as he'd said. They summoned their weapons, paid one last glance to the Red Castle, and headed on their path.

Once they cleared the rose bushes, they were truly on their own, thrust right back into the wilderness. The grass had grown back overnight, so whatever path the Bandersnatch had trampled from the main road was long gone. Saber reached for Zain's hand, and he took it, giving it an encouraging squeeze. He felt a lot braver than he had a few days ago, so he counted it as a good sign. 
They rustled through the brush for what seemed like forever, and by the time they'd actually found the trail, it was already mid-noon. Saber unraveled some of their provisions to munch on, both of them looking about warily as they pressed on. They hadn't heard a single sound the entire time, and although they didn't want to encounter another monster, that was a little too suspicious for their liking.

Zain was trembling as he tightly clutched his scythe, and Saber's hand was clammy as she gripped him tighter. He glanced uneasily at the sky as the clouds grew darker, signaling the approach of night. He heard Saber whimper, and he glanced over worriedly.
"Are you okay?" he whispered, his eyes darting every which way. Had she seen something? Heard something?
"Zain . . . what if we don't make it back?" she sobbed softly, burrowing closer to him. "It's getting dark so fast, and there's no shelter anywhere."
"Saber, don't talk like that," he scowled, a slither of fear trickling down his body. "W-we have our weapons. There's nothing to worry about."
"Zain, I don't think I can manage to be brave a second time," she confessed. "Facing the Bandersnatch wasn't so bad when I thought it was going to hurt you. But defending myself? I don't think I can do it, Zain!"
"Then defend me, Saber. Defend me, and I'll defend you," he said, stopping to turn her towards him and shake her. "If that's what it takes, then just do that, okay? We have to get back to Alfred. This is our last mission, okay? Please just hang in there!"
"Zain," she whispered. Suddenly, they heard a loud shriek nearby, and they threw themselves flush together, becoming a tangle of limbs as they screamed their heads off. Out of nowhere, the corpse of a massive creature with wings flopped onto the path before them, and he could feel Saber faint in his arms. He turned to her in bewilderment, shaking her unconscious body, before whipping his attention back to the dead beast, hearing another rustle in the bushes. He lowered them both to the ground, kissing his life goodbye as the rustling grew louder, his heart pounding viciously in his throat.
"Got em!" he heard a familiar voice call, and he nearly fainted himself when he saw Zaer climb out of the bushes. 
"Nice job, babe," another voice said, before Seifer materialized in the air beside her.
"Let's bring it back now," yet another voice joined, Elias soon coming out of the bushes as well. "Hatter needs its feathers for the party."

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