The Butterfly Effect

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The ride back to the castle was unbearably tense, and he couldn't shake the guilt that was slowly crushing him. Visions of King Alfred splattered in blood, smiling sadistically as he crushed Zephyr's decapitated head beneath his foot played repeatedly in his mind like some crude horror flick. He glanced over at Saber, who was still crestfallen about the conversation from earlier, and then to Ezra, who seemed to be dreading their return more than he was.

He let out a heaving sigh and lowered his own head. He could never tell anyone that Zephyr had been innocent. Not now, not ever. Even if he and Saber made it home safely, he had no choice but to carry this to his grave. They'd never be able to forgive him.
He didn't think it possible, but once the treeline broke, revealing the castle within the rapidly shortening distance, he could feel his stomach sinking even lower than before. The horses slowed their pace, and Ezra reluctantly nudged them ahead. A ponderous sense of foreboding hung so thick in the air, even the animals were spooked! Saber glanced back at him, and he could do nothing but avert his eyes in shame. This was so nerve wracking! He just wanted the suspense to end!

Once they eased through the barbican, over the draw bridge, and arrived in the bailey, Ezra finally turned to face them. Her skin was paler than her fur, and her eyes appeared dark and sunken. She forced a smile to her grim face, and it was more disturbing than it was reassuring.
"Well . . . we're back," she squeaked solemnly. They both returned her smile-his, in an awkward manner-when they suddenly heard commotion from the main entrance. They all turned their attention just as the castle doors slammed open and Zephyr came storming out. A relief so powerful washed over Zain, he nearly fainted off his horse. The king came rushing after the cat, followed by the queen, who hovered worriedly in the doorway.
"I haven't dismissed you!" King Alfred spat acidly. "You haven't told us anything about the gateway!"
"I've proven my innocence," Zephyr hissed with patiently contained annoyance. "Which must conclude that I know nothing about this blasted gateway you're talking about, or its whereabouts. Have your suspects in proper order next time, your Highness."
"You're the only one who fits the description, Zephyr!" 
"Have you been to the city for more than 15 minutes?!" the cat roared, turning on his paw to glare in astonishment at the royal. "There are millions of white felines inhabiting your kingdom! What do I have to gain, tricking some bozos into coming to this hell hole? I barely like living here!"
"Well, it's a good thing you don't, isn't it?" the king huffed arrogantly, folding his arms.
"Damn right. I'll be returning to where I belong now. Please spare me a future invitation," he snarled, beginning to take his leave when Ezra bolted from her horse to confront him.
"Cheshire! I'm so relieved you're innocent!" she rushed out, her bubbly demeanor back as she prepared to embrace him. He regarded her so coldly, Zain could feel the ice from where he stood several feet away.
"You're the reason I'm here in the first place," he sneered, stepping away from the hands that reached to grasp him. "I thought it was impossible at this point, but you've managed to burrow even further up these nobles' asses, haven't you?"
"Zephyr, I-" she gasped, shocked at his demeanor.
"I hope it's all worth it; selling out your friends, and all that jazz. Thanks for the vote of confidence, adviser." With that last biting word, his entire form diminished into a billowing cloud of white smoke, drifting off into the sky before disappearing from sight. Ezra stood there, staring in his wake, her ears slowly falling until they flopped dejectedly on her head. Pain lanced through Zain's heart. This is my fault . . .
"What a hairy situation that was," King Alfred huffed as he ambled to Ezra's side, clapping a hand on her shoulder. "We couldn't get anything out of that mischievous beast, but it appears he's as innocent as you claimed. Excellent work, Ezra."
"Why don't you show our visitors to their quarters?" Queen Meredith suggested, coming to stand before her with a gentle smile. "We'll get to the bottom of all of this, but in the meantime, you've all earned a well deserved rest. They've cleaned up very nicely."

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