What Lurks In The Shadows

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Explicit Sexual Content Ahead.

Zain wasn't sure what he had done to deserve so many nights of luxury in so many sophisticated locations, but he knew he was going to miss this terribly when he returned home. He couldn't imagine any place in the world that was more wondrous than Wonderland. Okay, maybe that was an overexaggeration, but he just loved it here so much . . . and the people were nothing but kind to him. It was something he wasn't used to back in their realm.

He and Saber were sharing a room again, and he glanced over to where she was sitting on the opposite bed, playing nervously with her hands. He raised a brow at how deep in thought she was. He never seen her look so troubled before, and that was saying something, considering she was always troubled.

"What are you thinking about?" he asked, propping himself up on his elbow. She glanced over to him, faking a smile as she did often. He fixed her with a look, letting her know that he wasn't buying anything less than the truth. Getting the message, she let out a deep sigh, her shoulders sagging under her apparent burden.

"Where are we going to go from here?" she asked lowly, turning towards him and leaning on her knees. "The others did so much to help us out, and Hatter did say to come back alive. But . . . isn't it risky?"

Zain sat up in his bed, looking at her warily. "What did you do, Saber?"

A dark blush spread across her cheeks as she gasped in offense. "Why are you always assuming I did something?" she spat. "Just look at how close you've become to Hatter! Maybe it's YOU whose done something!"

It was his time to blush now. "W-we are not nearly as close as you and Elias!"

"Well, even so, that's just what I'm saying!" she screamed, causing them both to pause. She finally huffed, the heat coming out of her expression. "We've grown a little too close, Zain. We're mere centimeters from growing too attached to these people. You want to be able to go home, right?"

"O-of course, I do," he replied, surprised at how unsure he sounded.

"And the White Kingdom is doing their best to help our case," she explained. "We have to hold up our end of the bargain."

Zain sighed, knowing that she was right. But he couldn't stifle the pain that gripped his heart. He knew that home was where he belonged, where his house, parents, job and friends-well, acquaintances-were.

But then the image of Ridosen rose to his mind, and he wanted to burst into tears. He'd never met anyone as fascinating as the man-and not nearly as kind and accepting. If he returned home, he would never see him again. He couldn't begin to imagine what life would be like without Hatter . . .

"You're right," he said, unsuspecting tears rolling down his cheeks. "We . . . we won't go back." He looked at her, giving a determined nod of his head. "We'll go straight back to Veloren. Mission complete. No goodbyes."

Saber seemed alarmed at that decision, but she ultimately accepted it. She knew just as well as he, how painful goodbye would be.

"Get some good sleep," he said, laying down and turning away from her. "Tomorrow, we have a long journey back to White Kingdom."

The next morning, they rose bright and early to make sure their provisions were in order. A soldier came to fetch them, announcing Jeremiah had summoned them for a farewell breakfast. When they arrived in the dining hall where he waited, they were both surprised by how bright and cheery the man appeared. A single night of their company had utterly transformed him. He smiled widely when they arrived, motioning for them to have a seat. Zain glanced about the room, noticing Ophelia was nowhere in sight. He wondered if it would be appropriate to ask her whereabouts, but in the same token, he didn't really want to see the vile woman.

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