The Final Goodbye

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The next morning, the streets were eerily quiet. Everyone appeared to still be sleeping off the night's festivities, apparent in the way that none of the evidence had been cleaned up. The bonfire was still smoking a bit, and the bones of the corpse was still on grisly display. The giant black rose was standing ever tall, continuing to drip the essence that had turned everyone into sex fiends.

The only ones to emerge from the manors were Ridosen, Zaer, Seifer and Elias. Zain and Saber were back in their White Kingdom wear. They had been cleaned and pressed to perfection; they felt like entirely new people. Except, when they came face to face, they both looked incredibly burdened to see each other.
"Zain," Saber greeted gravely. She didn't even bother with a fake smile this morning. Zain knew something was up right then and there, but after what he'd done, he had no intention to go prying.
"Saber," he greeted in turn, unable to stifle a nervous laugh. "You look well rested. Glad you're okay after the madness that happened."
"Again, I sincerely apologize for what transpired," Ridosen interjected, standing right behind him. He shuddered involuntarily before turning around and smiling.
"No . . . it was our faults for being captured so easily," he laughed. "I-it's fine, really."
"But we really must be going now," Saber cut in. Zain glanced over at her, and she nodded. "I'm sure the White Kingdom is awaiting news of Jeremiah's fate."

Everyone nodded solemnly. Zain checked the inside of his jacket to make sure the letter was still there, sighing in relief to find it in tact.
"Well, like we promised, we'll escort you back to the portal," Zaer said, dusting off her clothes.
"You agreed to take them back?" Ridosen asked, sounding incredulous. "When were you going to tell me?"
"Erm . . . we didn't think of that," Seifer chuckled, rubbing the back of his head. "As you can see, we haven't been thinking at all, lately."
"Would you like to accompany us?" Elias asked with a shrug of his shoulder. Ridosen huffed, scratching his head.
"I can't . . . I have something really important happening in a few minutes. I won't be able to leave the estate for a few hours," he confessed, glancing over to Zain. Somehow perceiving the hatter's intent, he backed away, inconspicuously drawing closer to Saber. The hatter's frown deepened, receiving the message. "Well . . . I guess this is goodbye."
"Thank you for everything that you've done for us," Saber said with a weak smile. "We'll never forget your hospitality."
"Hey, it was the least I could have done," he said lightheartedly. "Anything you do to keep that damn Ophelia out of power is the greatest gift I could ever receive. You guys are heroes to everyone. I'll never forget you." He said the last part while staring deep into Zain's eyes.

He averted his gaze, the vice on his heart nearly stealing his breath away. Saber took his hand and gave it an encouraging squeeze. He took a deep breath, smiling at her, before following the others whom were beginning to lead the way. Zain was actually relieved that the morning was so quiet. The thought of the whole estate being sprawled across the courtyard, wishing them farewell just made him more depressed.

Once they reached the gate, he froze in his tracks, compelled to look back one last time. Saber released his hand and walked a few paces ahead before ceasing her stride.
"Don't make it harder, Zain," she said over her shoulder. "We have to let go. If we're not going to do it for ourselves, then we should at least do it for them."

Zain closed his eyes tightly, unable to stomach that uncanny truth. Of course something like that was easy for her to say; Elias was right there escorting her on the last leg of the journey.

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