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This was painful. Very fucking painful. Giving birth once is painful.  But two in a row? That is a lot worse. The most painful thing throughout the pregnancy was losing Simon. But this is not far from beating it.
"Breathe Kay, keep breathing. It'll be over soon." Mollys voice was a lot calmer in contrast to the doctor who had such an annoying voice.

I'm not sure whether it was the gas and air but something about JJ constantly cringing was really entertaining. Molly has messaged him when she found out my waters had broke so within ten minutes he was stood next to holding my hand.

After what felt like an eternity I was finally finished. Molly had the girl in her arms whilst the boy was being cleaned and weighed.
"What are you going to name her?" No matter how many times people asked about the name choices I had kept it a surprise.
"Star for the girl. For the boy I have two choices but I want to see him before I choose." The doctor brought the boy over and placed him in my arms and I kissed his forehead before admiring his features. Simons lips. My nose. Simons blue eyes. Wait. I can see colour again.
"Molly, JJ I can see colour again."
"What do you mean?"
"Everything is still greyscale but his eyes. They're blue. This is the same way things happened with Simon. It was his eyes first then everything else began to change." I knew which name I was choosing.
"He looks just like Simon, except he has your nose." JJ was sat on the edge of the bed, looking at the babies in awe.
"That's why I'm calling him Simon."
"It's perfect." JJ kissed my forehead before Molly joined the other side of the bed. "I'm proud of you Kay, Simon would have been so happy to have been here right now and know that he would approve your choices of names."


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