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Two weeks ago, I found Jackie's body. In a week I'm going to see it again, we are only going to have a small funeral because she only really spoke to me and Simon but had spoke to most of my friendship group at least once.

"Still no family records?" Simon had been on the phone trying to find out if there were any records of Jackie's family.
"They said they've looked but they'll check the system again and if they find anything they'll call back." He kneeled down in front of me and held my hands in his, stroking his thumb across the back of it, "if she wanted family to be at the funeral she would've told you about them. She obviously didn't mention them for a reason."
"You're right. Maybe I should just stop stressing over it."

"Kay!" Megan knocked on my bedroom door before opening it slightly and poking her head into the room. "You've got two letters: one's from your university the other is a company called Bishop and Sewell."
"Thank you Megan."

I opened the letter from the university and read it out to Simon.
"Kayleigh Walker, it has came to our attention that for the past 3 months the fees you must pay to stay on the course have not been paid.
Unfortunately, this does mean that we have to remove you from the course unless you can pay the unpaid fees before the 24th July.
If you have any concerns, please call the head office using the number provided in the top right of this letter.
Many thanks,
The Head of Finance,
Mrs Brown." By now tears were streaming down my eyes. It's gone. The one thing that kept me going for so long is gone. I can't get the money that fast. Everything's going wrong.

"I'll pay for you," I looked up confused, "and don't try refusing because you know how stubborn I can be and if I have to I'll go to the uni myself and pay it."
"Thank you Simon. This means so much to me, you don't understand. I'm going to need to call my mom, she used to pay for the course." I hugged him tightly before letting go and grabbing my phone off the cupboard.

yall should go read dripkay 's book 'Angels and Gods' it isn't all out yet but she's told me the plot and it's sound like it's going to be an emotional rollercoaster

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