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We walked through the doors of the restaurant and followed the waiter over to the table where our friends were sat. I looked around the restaurant in awe, everything looked expensive and somehow also smelt expensive.

On shelves around the restaurant sat incenses, releasing a strong smell of magnolia which mixed with the smell of the food being made in the kitchen. The restaurant had only just opened so nobody in the building had a plate of food in front of them, they were all sat focused on their company whilst laughing and talking to one another as they patiently waited for their food to arrive.

We reached the table and me and Simon sat opposite each other on opposite sides of the table. Megan sat next to Simon, JJ was next to me and opposite Megan. I looked at the menu and began to choose what I was going to eat.

"Are you all ready to order or do you need some more time?" The waiter looked around the table as we looked between each other to check if we were ready.
"We'll order now." Everyone went through their order, meal and drinks, they had all chose champagne or wine.
"May I have the native lobster with a glass of water please." I was last to order and the waiter looked at me strangely after I asked for water when everyone had decided to have alcohol, "pregnant." He nodded before before walking towards the kitchen.

We had just finished our meals and we were all involved in conversations. I decided now would be the best time to ask JJ to be the godfather. I stood up and tapped a fork against my glass and everyone sat around the table turned to face me as well as a few of the people sat around the restaurant turning to listen to me.
"Thank you all for coming tonight and celebrating my pregnancy. I honestly have no idea what I would do without anyone sat around this table, I love all of you so much and will never be able to thank you enough for how much you have all done for me.
JJ, yesterday when I said I had something to tell you, you asked me if it was important. I'm going to allow you to decide whether it is or not. You mean so much to me and Simon and over the last two years you have been one of the best friends ever, you are always willing to offer your help and are extremely understanding. You act like a proud mother whenever any of us achieve something. At my graduation when my name was called out, over the hundreds of people applauding, I heard you. You were cheering and congratulating me and, even though you were practically the furthest person from the stage, I heard you the clearest.
Anyway, I'm going to stop there before I get all soppy and emotional. The question I have to ask is.... will you be the godfather of mine and Simons child?" Within seconds, JJ was on his feet hugging me. The restaurant was filled with cheers and JJ pulled away from the hug and reply with 'of course, I'd be honoured' before walking around the table to hug Simon.

"Megan." I looked over to Simon and smiled before continuing, "we became best friends at the age of eight, but we soon became sisters. You were the first true friend I ever had and I thank you so much for sticking with me the whole time. You are my best friend. I don't think I have the words to explain how much you mean to me. You've helped me more than any other person has in my entire life. The longs walks to nowhere, the long nights of laughing at what seemed like nothing and everything, the pep talks, the ego checks. When we were younger I was hesitant to make friends, I was scared of losing them along the way. But I'm glad I became close to you. You never fail to slap me in the face with reality when I need or deserve it, nor do you hesitate to give me a helping hand when it is obvious that I can't do it on my own.
This past year has been like hell but I was scared to let you back in in case something similar happened again. I'm sorry for you keeping you out of my life for so long, I needed time to think.
I've finished thinking now and I've decided I want you in my life forever and I never want to lose you. Will you be the baby's godmother?" Tears are falling down both mine and Megan's faces as she nods quickly and hugs Simon from the side and moves around the table to be stood in front of me and as I open my arms she swiftly moves to hug me as my arms wrap around her. Once I'd explained to Simon that I wanted to ask JJ to be the godfather he'd mentioned asking Megan to be the godmother because she has been my best friend for years and god knows where I'd be without her.


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