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17 days. It's been 17 days since I got to the hospital, on the day of the crash I wasn't allowed to see him for three hours after getting to there.

I've cried, talked to him, started at the wall, and cried some more. At one point, JJ and Megan came to the hospital to see how he was and they sat with me for a few hours. But it wasn't enough, no matter who was here and whether they were a friend or a best friend didn't matter. I needed to know that Simon was alright and that after a few days, maybe weeks he would be back to his lively self, making videos and just generally having fun. 

This is the longest I've ever gone without him, I'm scared. What's going to happen? If the worst does happen and Simon doesn't make it what am I going to do?

Tomorrow is my first appointment without Simon and it's the one he was looking forward to most. The gender reveal. He couldn't decide whether he wanted a girl or a boy. He wanted to teach them football but he wanted them to look like a mini me.

Whilst I was at the appointment, Josh and JJ were going to visit Simon. They'd rarely came to visit because they'd said 'we'll let you have your time with him, when you aren't there we'll visit him'. I didn't mind when they visited but they insisted they come when I'm not there.

"Miss, we need to run some tests on Simon. Can we ask you to wait outside please." How many tests do they have left? This is the fourth time in the past two weeks that they've had tests.

This is the only time I leave the room. I haven't drank or ate since I've been here.

*If anything ever happens to me, be your first priority. Look after yourself before worrying about me.*

Simons words ran through my head. I smile as I hear his voice. I think about what he said. 

*be your first priority*

I decide to listen to him and pull my phone out of my pocket.

"Kayleigh! What's happened?" I told JJ that I'd call him if something happened. I feel bad for getting his hopes up.
"Nothings happened, I'm going home to shower and get something to eat because I haven't ate since I got here and I'm risking the baby s health."
"And your own health. I'll ask Tobi and Vik if they want to go and see him. I'll be down tomorrow whilst you're at your appointment, Megan wants to know if you want her to go with you?" I smile at Megan's offer, we weren't as close as before but she is trying to make an improvement.
"Tell Megan to be at the hospital for 11am, my appointment is at half past but we'll need to get to the right building at least ten minutes before." We both say goodbye and by the time my phone is back in my pocket I'm walking out of the hospital and onto the busy streets of London.

My hood is pulled over my head and my working earphone was in my ear with my phone playing a playlist of Simons videos.

I reach the apartment building and the video changes. It was the pregnancy announcement video. I rip my earphone out of my ear but it was too late, the tears were already streaming down my face. As I run towards the lift I'm given a few strange looks but by the time they go to do anything I'm getting in the lift and pressing the button to go to my flight.

I miss school. I'm so bored.

Grayscale | Miniminter AUWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt