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"Wait. This means you now have an apartment to move into and you have the money to pay for your course at uni." I'm glad I wouldn't have to worry about these anymore because the amount of stress I would have could make me ill.
"Do you think it's too soon to move in or should I just do it so I don't keep postponing it?" I ask Simon, he most likely knows what to say.
"It's your apartment, let's go pack now if you want to." I smile and stand up. Looks like I'm leaving now then.

As I get downstairs I notice that the only people still in the kitchen is JJ and Megan.
"Can you get me another bottle of water please, I don't want to go in there whilst she's in there."
"Sure, I'll unlock the car so you can get in."


I know I should be supporting Kayleigh on this but I know Megan and she wouldn't keep this from her purposefully. If Leigh doesn't want to talk to Megan about it yet she doesn't have to but I feel like she should at least let her explain it.

"Where are you going?"
"Kayleigh was given all of Jackie's possessions due to her Will. She's been given the apartment so she's moving into it, I'm helping her move her things." I hear Megan sigh as I grab a bottle of water for Kayleigh.

As i get into the car Kayleigh tapping her fingers on the door, something I've realised she's done to keep distracted. I place the bottle into the cup holder, taking her hand in mine before starting to drive.

"Thank you Simon." She turns to me and breaks the comfortable silence.
"What for?"
"Everything and nothing." She smiles and kisses the back of my hand. "You do a lot to help me and even when you do nothing at all it helps. Just being there today and taking my mind off of everything that has happened has made it easier to get through it and god knows what I would've done without your support today."

yall can thank rxbieee for this

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