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Whilst I was out with Molly Simon messaged me saying he was going to the Sidemen house to film an upcoming Sidemen video. That was five hours ago. I call him to find out where he was because it never usually takes this long.

His phone rang, then voicemail. I was getting scared because after three attempts here was still no answer. Simon has never missed a single phone call from me, even when we hated each other he answered.

I call JJ to see if he answers, Simons phone might be in a different room. He picks up after a few seconds.
"Hey Kay, what's up?"
"Is Simon there?" I ask almost immediately.
"No he left like two hours ago why? Has he not came back yet?"
"No, did he say if he was going anywhere else?"
"He said he was going home. Do you want to come over for a bit? Everyone's here."
"Ye I'll come over, he's probably just in traffic. Can I bring Bailey?"
"Of course, he will be alright I promise." I thank him before hanging up and pulling my shoes on. I grab Baileys lead, he doesn't need the lead but it's useful to carry with me just in case.

The walk to the Sidemen house isn't long and luckily it isn't raining badly. There were a few heavy showers but other than that it was only spitting. I'm glad I had one of Simons hooded jackets on. Multiple different scenarios ran through my head and were making the possibility of me calming down impossible.

As I get to the door it is opened, almost as if they were watching to see when I got there, Bailey ran into the house and over to the kitchen to get attention.

I place Baileys lead on the island before taking a seat on one of barstools. Everyone was talking between themselves as I zoned out, the only thing I could hear was the television that was playing in the other room.

"Breaking News!" All conversations stop. I rush into the living room to watch what was happening. "Social Media Star hit by drunk driver currently in hospital undergoing surgery."

As everyone else joins the room the news reporter continues, "A fan who was at the scene explained to news reporters that the YouTuber recently announced that his girlfriend is pregnant and they are expecting a child late August/ early September." It's Simon.

"Paramedics claim it is extremely unlikely for him to survive although they are currently doing as much as they possibly can." Tears are falling down my face and before I can completely process what is happening I'm running out of the house and towards the hospital. 

*Extremely unlikely for him to survive.*

His dreams. He was so excited for the baby and was ready to give them the life they deserve. He wanted to show people he didn't need a dad in his life to give his own child a good life.

*As much as they can.*

Is it really as much as they can do? What if they can't do enough? What am I going to do without him?

*Hit by drunk driver.*

What is going to happen with the driver. Is he in a bad state? Is he unlikely to survive or did he just brush himself off and walk away?

*Undergoing surgery*

How long has he been in surgery for? Is he out yet? How long will it be until I can see him? What if he doesn't make it? Will I ever get to see him smile or see his eyes light up again? Will he ever see me again? What about the baby? Will he ever get to meet his child?


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